OFF P3 Display Settings Help


because I don't have small pictures
I must not be smart enough to figure this out, so I'll ask here....

I'm not able to click on the display adapter settings to set the video display to 32 bit color and my resolution of 1900 X 1200. What have I overlooked? CFS3 is set properly.

OFF is currently set to 16 bit displayand I can't wait to see what I'm missing.

How do I enable better display settings in OFF?

Thanks in advance!

Kevin, it's the same as CFS3, and OFF P2 you need to run CFSConfig.
However you need to run CFS3Config in OFF not in CFS3 folder.
Conveniently we have added a button for this in Workshop to run CFS3Config.

Click that and then File menu, Change Display Options, then you MUST exit using File, Exit

i.e. do NOT use the X in the right corner to close ( CFS3 bug..)

Actually it is in the FAQ under "Installation and settings"
Maybe I'll add some pics

That's the ticket!!! :woot:

All is GREAT.............

Thanks much!! OFF is a wonderful game and experience!!!!!!! :d


I thought I read through the FAQ last night.......I must not have been paying attention as the information you provided in this thread was in there. Boy, now I feel stupid........

