" ... merely say STICKY is NOT always the answer, although it SHOULD be. Unforunately in this day and age, it would seem as a flashing Light with illuminated arrows are required, before anything is noticed.
Right, stickies are not always an answer. Apart from that there is no sticky of how to install Phase 2. It is not officially supported any more, and the rest of the info vanished with the forum crash a few weeks ago.
Red arrows, neon and whatever. But there IS no sticky how to install OFF phase 2. And do you know, from scratch, how to hex-edit your xyz file to get the machine-gun jam thingie work ? Or the Warp thing ? Or why my DVD disk does not seem to work ? Or how to edit your mine settings to get better control ? **** i know.
You have to thoroughly search and ask - i do not say the information is not there, but it is spread all over, hard to find and often not to-the point.
There are/were patches at Pol's site (still available ?) There were two sites from Pol back then, and some of the patches did not work on european versions, although the files seemed to be identical as we found out the hard way.
There is not stated what which patch does, certainly this is not necessary for installing it, but .... what did patch 3.1 do? Do you need a european one, does the US/English work on other language systems/settings ? And nothing about 3.1a, nor where to get it.
There are certain helpful persons all around, but WHY no sticky or no real description, a FAQ or a How-To for Phase 2 ? You will find some at Polovski's site, but not here at the official forum, and not at the OFF homepage. I cannot imagine anyone winning a marketing award here, or making it easy for non-nerds to have fun. You do not win customers with that.
And while Off P1 and P2 held no perils for a nerd, the installation was, along with this original Mickeysoft CFS3 configuration, a chore. P3 will be better, but then from a deep valley all ways will rise to a higher level. If i were a computer illiterate person, and maybe a bit older than i am, i would have resigned at an early point. A lot of already have, also due to a very rough tone in the early days of the OFF forum, where threads were closed and people were banned almost only for asking. Maybe i will be now. Maybe it's good the forum crash deleted all this.
But it is just a bad style, or culture, with all this missing stuff, NOT to answer questions of newbies IMHO.
And GG, you, having made all those stickies up there for the newbies, should know better
" ...I've seen Catfish offer that identical solution, half a dozen times. Who knows, perhaps he likes the exercise ? ..."
Well what can i say - thus i do not have to write anything new here, which would be much more strenuous