OFF Phase II installation problem

SUCCESS!! at least partially

Okay, I've got it installed, it took another reboot, and it went right in.

Now, there is another problem. It keeps looking for the CFS3 CD. I have the Ubisoft DVD version that does not require the CD to fly CFS 3. But just in case OFF doesn't know that, I tried putting the DVD in, but it cannot find the DVD, and I cannot actually fly. The game loads, and appears to have all the features, but I created a pilot, and chose a quick mission, set the mission up, and clicked on the hangar button. I get the "contact!", and the "clear!", then it asks for the CD, but it can't find it even if I put it in. :banghead:
Since I have the DVD version, do I need to copy the .exe file from CFS 3 into OFF 2?
Okay, I think I did that correctly, but now what I get is music, after "contact!" and "clear!".

This is typical for me, Murphy's Law is the best and closest description of my entire life.
Hey, Gerhardt, don't give up - the game's worth it! Music after the shout "Clear!" is still normal, takes a while to load. If you're on a German system, you must make sure, that ALL regional language settings are set to "English (USA)". And you can't type in any pilots with German letters like "Ö" or "ß".
My wingman and neighbour had success at last, after a long time of attempts, by pressing "Manual Install" in the "Workshop" menue. After a short install time, suddenly, the game worked. Perhaps you try that. There's also a "CFS3 Config" button, but I don't know, if that helps. I'd try it though, before not getting anywhere.
Cheers; Olham
Odds of me giving up are slim and none. I'm in the U.S., all of my settings are English. I'm sure there's something small and simple I've let get by me.
All of your settings are in English FINE

But the Location must be U.S. / U.K. / South Africa
The location IS the U.S. Next question: When I copy the .exe file from CFS 3 into the OFF 2 file, do I need to rename the file shell, or leave it alone?
Renaming the file to Shell solved the problem. I do have a few flickers on my screen as I'm flying, I have to look at that. But I flew my first quick combat. :kilroy:
Hi, Gerhardt
Flickers - do you mean, game flow "stutters", or are there rather graphic disturbances? The game flow seems to "stutter" due to the basic Microsoft CFS3 - happens even on medium advanced systems.
When graphics are disturbed, it might help to set on a higher resolution. Yep, HIGHER. Sounds odd - is odd, but for several others, it worked.
Have a nice Christmas!
As crazy as it DOES sound, OFF runs SMOOTHER at High Resolution

Your Video card can usually go way up there, around 2400x1600

Your monitor Limits your resolution, mine is 1680x1050

That's where I run OFF :kilroy:

Renaming the file to Shell solved the problem. I do have a few flickers on my screen as I'm flying, I have to look at that. But I flew my first quick combat. :kilroy:

Very glad to see you got up and running.

next on your list .....w2k?????????

hope to see you in the air.

I'll be keeping Windows 2K Pro, at least for a while.

By "flickers", I actually mean small disturbances, something like the flaws in older films. They are not present in CFS 3, best I can remember. The frame rates are fine, better than I expected actually. I'm going to do some upgrading soon. My resolution is 1024x768, where I normally run my monitor, I'm used to the older ways of always running an application the same as the normal resolution.