Royal Australian Flying Corps
Used to have a Link (that worked) to an articale termed: 'The Royal Austrailian Flying Corps' which spoke of the utterly unbelievable things that the instructor would teach his pupils about how to make good your escape, when absolutely needed, and if the enemy tried to follow, he'd kill himself in the process. To illustrate the tactic, he took an SE5a up to 15000 did a nose down total Dive at Full throttle.
Hit 285mph and sucessfully pulled out at 700 feet
Theory being the SE5a, could stand that type of abuse. While anything the German's had couldn't
The speedometers of 1917 Didn't go that high, so the cadets were told to "Watch for the Ripples" of the cloth covering their lower wing
1 Ripple was 250mph
2 Ripple was 265mph
3 Ripple was 280mph
There is NO 4th Ripple, the wings rip off
I just Did it, in BHAH . . It'll clear your sinuses real good, especially with Trackir. But after 250mph, you don't need it anymore, as you won't be looking around much if atall anymore.
Thank God, I didn't need to 'Watch for the Ripples" You could use the F5 gauges, just the speedo & altmeter, throw the rest over the side. Or do it like I did, and just use (Z)
Go QC FreeFlight. . start at 15000. . Auto-Mixture in Worshop . . SE5a Pilot
PS. . Don't try it with your good pilot . .you just might kill him