OFF3 distribution

Paypal's Stupidity might not be the case you were forced to deal with, I can safely say that as VERIFIED member of PayPal, who only needs my password to access My Bank account, checking accounts, Mastercard, and Visa. Never lost a dime since 2001

Everybody, and their Brother wanted that Password, but I never gave to them. They even made believe they were PayPal ( Looked Real).
Just Remember ONE THING . . PAYPAL will NEVER contact you

I think Polovski asked nicely that the talk of payment method cease. I will only say that you could not be more wrong about what happened in my case, they repeatedly took money for the same transaction until they emptied the account, and caused over $100 worth of overdraft fees (at the bank alone) they admitted it, the bank had to take it back from them, and they kept trying to take it. The bank got all the money they took back, eventually, by having Visa contest it. I still had to pay other fees and go pick up checks that should never have bounced.

Out of respect for Polovski (it's his place I suppose, and he has the right to say what he wants discussed) I'll not speak of this here again. I had decided not to post anything else, until you quoted me.
It was only an email sent, not a pre order payment or anything. BTW we may still send a link to those people first - who knows mwhahahaaaa :)

That would be a Great Idea Guys.

As I come by some times once a week.

Although I will admit almost every day for a week in anticipation.

I keep thinking it will be here by Christmas. :applause:

... just hope there is another way to pay other then PayPal. That I will not use, to many issues with it.


I have never had a problem personally but I will not use it.

One aspect of my job is investigating fraud and online purchasing seems to crop up again and again.
Is there any chance this might be made available for DOWNLOAD rather than as a DVD sent by mail? I ask this since I'm in Vietnam, and the postal service has draconian rules here and will confiscate any CD's or DVDs sent by post. If it's only available on disk, then I would have to go through the trouble of having it sent to someone who might be on their way to visit Vietnam -- which doesn't happen often among my friends and family.

Also, is there an approximate release date yet? What about the price?

Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.
I wonder if we could work something out whereby those people who are paranoid about using Paypal, credit cards, cheques, money orders, band drafts, or cash will be allowed to offer payment in the form of a yet to be determined quantity of painted be hand delivered by the purchaser as an obvious precaution. Should minimize the risk of fraud substantially (only if the shells are genuine, of course).

Just trying to be helpful, Pol.

Cheers Mate,

In the meantime....wot abaht...?

In the mean time why not start a book on THE date. We could each throw at the site a date in the new year when we are invited to "Come and get it".
THe one nearest to the actual announcement date gets extra ammo for the t heir first twenty missions!
I will start the ball rolling by making my bet, 5 JANUARY 2009.
Daveebee has come in with 29 DECEMBER 2008.
Please make your bets gentlemen and ladies.
No each way bets will be accepted.
On the nose bets only will be allowed.
No employees of the distribution firm or their relatives, dependents, cats or dogs are allowed a bet.

Perhaps you can get the game on a USB stick, hidden in a Christmas cake (not baked in, off course). Just an idea...

PS: no, not a Christmas cake, maybe - perhaps rather an easter egg?
I agree with Pol, (In best Rodney King voice) "Can't we all just get along?"

Much of this bickering over payment methods started with my simple inquiry about options. In many ways I'm sorry I asked it on the open board. Maybe I should have sent a private message to one of the team instead. Regardless, it's really pointless to continue trashing this method or that or villifying/mocking those who've experienced problems with systems that you have not.

I think one thing that we can all agree on is that no system of any kind is 100% perfect for or loved by everyone. And I'm not just talking about payment for online purchases here, either. You show me 1000 people who swear by Ford vehicles and I'll show you 1,000,000 who swear at them. And the same is true with Chrysler, GM, Toyota, Mazda, SAAB, Mercedes, Yugo (no, wait...there's probably not 1000 people who drive Yugos :costumes:). Televisions, computers, computer operating systems (Windows whatever-vs-MAC-vs-Linux)...all the same. You can't know what problems someone else has encountered and even if they told you you probably wouldn't jump up and say, "That's it!! I'll never use that again because someone I know only through a computer gaming board said he/she has had problems with it." I certainly don't need everyone in the world to share my opinion about everything to feel that mine is valid for me.

So please, let's let this end. I'm comfortable with waiting until the people who are actually handling the distribution make their position known. And let's face it, they're the ones who get to say how we can pay for this, not the dev team and not anyone who's been posting ad nauseum here. Bottom line is that if the only way that they'll accept payment is through Paypal I'm sure I can pay a friend who uses it to actually make purchase it for me. I'd much rather not have to do that and take care of everything myself, but I will find a way to get P3. And I would imagine that's true for everyone else, as well.

Aside to Gerhardt,
I kind of understand your posting, but to say, "I think Polovski asked nicely that the talk of payment method cease" and then go ahead and restate your personal case was, to say the least, contradictory. But I appreciate your commitment not to revisit the issue again. I agree that by constantly going back and forth all we do is perpetuate the argument.
Dear Mr. Gimpy
Sseink your avatar, I vant to send you my congratulationz - you have finally chosen ze right side, ze better side, and one of ze best planes the fazzerland could provide to you. Don't make us no shame, and help to vipe der crumpets off der screen - arrr, der sky, I mean.
Baron von Mahlo (der Bordeauxrote Baron)