OFF's Flight model is Excellent. Watch this.

This was the exact kind of dawdle I was looking to avoid. No one is advocating a "death by influenza" patch now are they.


No one's advocating TOTAL realism, cause its not possible, but then there is the "ear infection due to extreme altitude changes in aerial combat" patch that I'm working on. Geeeeeeeeesh.

By the way, you are absolutely right Olham. : )

I want the "death by influenza" thats funny:applause:. How about a "Dear John" letter comes in the mail, then your morale plumets and your reactions are limited.

ha ha ha, like I need another reason to throw my computer out the window. yeah I could see it now, me screaming "here's some realism...." followed by glass breaking, as my computer sails out the window.

As for realism....come on, I used to open a can of whopp a$$ in all other sims mp or sp, and now I fight for my life everytime. Feels like real life to me. too Shunkan. I think the options given for tweaking OFF to be as realistic as you think it should be are great. I'm just glad they are there!! Even regarding what is termed "full realism", I see room for is the full 100% AA gun setting really an good depiction historically?, or is it too accurate or not enough?...etc etc. Its nice to have the option..(if your interested in such) to tweak it to what you think was most accurate. Very cool, and also helpfull if you just want a more Arcade style gameplay for yourself, or to get your kid interested without bogging him down early on with too much realism, that he might well be interested in later, and he can add in then when he's older and might appreciate it more. I'm telling you, the OFF team has built a product here thats gonna last, due to its flexibility in this regard, and so many others.


If you like the influenza patch, you'll love the "My mechanic forgot to put oil back in the crankcase today" upgrade. :) Its extra exciting with missions over enemy territory.
It wouldn't do to agree on everything any. That would be dull.

I believe that historical realism has been taken as far as the engine permits (and current PC technology- just got a spanking new monitor and still can't see aircraft more than about half a mile away) that pretty much the only thing left to bicker with is the flight models. Flight models remain an open debate since almost no-one has any direct experience of a WW1 aircraft and even the account they can give you- along with historical sources- can be reinterpreted by those that want to.

I'm certain that the FMs are good (although I find the Camel still too difficult to spin) this is a debate that won't ever end.

So long as it remains polite, open and informed, that's a good thing surely.

Nice video. I often use side-slips to slow down and steepen approaches in OFF. Not that extreme, but then I'm not Udet showing off.
Hi Siggi,
Definition of an 'expert'

ex - a has been
spurt - a drip under pressure

Hence 'expert' :applause:
Yepp! **DiD** settings, except the labels. I get her to love me,...sometimes:a1089:! Sometimes she puts me on the deck, with her famous death roll:173go1:
Back in the day...before the great forum crash of 2008....there was great talk from the realists of putting a fan in front of you, throwing frozen peas into it to simulate bullets, putting castor oil on your face as well as a healthy dose for that oft seen effect of ingesting it from the exhaust or having the wife stand behind you and hit you in the head with a pan when you crash. There have been many of us that have decried those who fly OFF less than realistic, but always stressed the first importance of enjoying it. If using full aids and no cockpit and tight spread, etc makes you happy, then good for you. WM's 'R' rating helps keep things in perspective in this global world of the forum.

I have flown a number of light aircraft and can tell you, that the planes in OFF have good light airplane sensations, so they feel 'right' to me. I haven't flown a WWI type airframe (WF2 has and she likes the FM's) but if the dev team is happy with it, they should keep it as is. Otherwise, they enter Oleg's dance of death. Pilot reports from WWI can't be taken as gospel either esp. with the differences in mfg, storage, fuel, upkeep, etc. that even two planes of the same make and model flew differently. Remember this was the dawn of aviation. But, there is one computer limitation that does bear agreement with ZZ and that's visibility. The computer is limited in long range depiction of targets, air and ground, so you can't get 100% realism. The aids like tac and labels will compensate for that otherwise you will pass by much activity that you would've normally seen IRL. So, it's a compromise. That being said, I noticed after flying OFF for a while, that my skills in spotting aircraft, etc. did improve just as in real life. The immersion of OFF is such that you do start off as a rookie and your skills will develope and improve just as they would in real life if you lived long enough. You'll learn to tell whether those far off dots are a low flying formation or houses or bridges. Then you get the excitement of closing with them til you can discern whether they're friendly or enemy. In P2, I flew with no aids except to use labels to find the right railyard or armybase to attack. Now, I use labels and the tac display, sparingly and mostly to find out where the devil my formation went, because my frame rates are still low enough that I can't go solely by eyeball. And anyone who's been here a while, knows I like to use full realism.
Impressive movie Giant. Your control of the EIII is masterfull. I haven't experimented with that model in excess yet, but the little I have, quite reminds me of someone strapping a machine gun to an ultralight and trying to shoot others down. Again....quite accurately modeled because that was in essence what they did, and the "feel" is it or she'll bite you. It really feels as primitive as it should at that stage.

The flight behavior seems fine to me so far. I've seem some people post about the planes being on rails. Don't know what that means. It seems from what I have read here (not so sure I find it true) that either you have full power or none. There is not the gradual power like in the WW2 birds. Which brings me to my point. I think all the prop sims currently out there model the power as if it came out the tail. A test (not so easy it the plane has a stick for a tail wheel) is to have the plane nearly still with no trust from the prop. Kick the rudder (nothing much should happen) then give the engine full power. Your tail should then kick to the side.
Interesting. First are you referring to "while in the air", or the ground handling since you mention a tail skid (I think) which has nothing to do with flight characteristics.

And secondly, to which particular AC are you referring? Because some have different handling then others.

I write to the general, not the specific. If on the ground and you have a tail skid then in a real such plane the friction of the tail skid will I suspect keep the 'tail kick' behavior from happening. I understand that in WW2 one of the manouvers (bad speller here) was to zoom up and before you got to the stall point to cut the engine, kick rudder full right or left. then hit full power. The result being a near instant 180 degree turn. I think something like that happened in the WWI birds but I don't know enough to comment on that. Are there particular AC in OFF that do have gradual throttle/prop and others that are either all or nothing (something about blip switch)?