OK! Dudley whos bright idea was this..!

:wavey: Off again! Leaving SKPI to SKPS.

Take off Wt.: 41500#
Fuel: 4125.3#
Cargo: 10,000#
Crew (5) 845#
Down safe and sound at SKPS

Now to unload, load and out of here.

Flight Time: 00:34:08
TTL time: 00:34:09
Landing Wt: 40593#
Fuel used: 891.5#
Cargo del: 10,000#

Maintenance points 0
:running:We're off and running again! Leaving SKPS to SEQU.

Take off Wt: 45107#
Fuel: 3232.4#
Cargo: 14,500#
Crew: (5) 845#
:applause:Wow! we landed at Quito SEQU, safe and sound, but I sure don't know how! The visibility on this whole flight was bad, and at times real bad! I guess what counts is that we made no foul or errors.

Flight time: 00:50:48
TTL time: 00:50:49
Landing wt: 43598.6#
Fuel used: 1495.2#
Cargo del: 14,500#

Maintenance points 0
Great Kodaks of the characterful Packet, Taco. Nifty AI on the airfields, too.
Wow! something is wrong! We had clear weather for the whole flight!

Landed at SERB

Flight time: 00:35:29
TTL time: 00:35:31
Landing wt: 39714.6#
Fuel used: 872.7#
Cargo del: 11,500#
:wavey: Right Willy, shades of flight 19 it's a trap.

Leaving SERB for SETM.:running:

Take off wt: 46905#
Fuel: 5030.4#
Cargo: 14500#
Crew: (5) 845#
Thirty miles out and R/L power surged and I lost everything. We are having thunder showers and the power is popping off and on. Will try to re-do this flight tomorrow.
:salute:Hey, finally made it after the local (R/L) thunder things.

Landed at SETM down safe and sound, and again clear weather on approached. Just waiting for the local weather God to come down on us real heavy.

Flight time: 00:55:40
TTL time: 00:55:41
Landing wt: 45129.6#
Fuel used: 1762.0#
Cargo del: 14,500#

Maintenance points 0
:wiggle: Wow! What a change taking off in clear weather!

Leaving SETM and heading for SPJE

Take off wt: 45142#
Fuel: 3267.17#
Cargo: 14500#
Crew (5): 845#
Hey Taco, was lookin at your last posts' pics and couldn't help noticing your fuel gauges. As a fellow C-82 flyer I can tell you I'm running with empty wing tanks and 50% in the mains for better performance, and ain't sweating the range. Best lighten up a bit for SPJB or you'll never get outta that hole. Might wanna leave 2 crewmen behind as well.

Howdy, Landed at SPJE

Flight time: 00:42:36
TTL time: 00:42:37
Landing wt: 43984.6#
Fuel used: 1146.6#
Cargo del: 14500#

Maintenance points. 0
:applause:After some major maintenance problems we will be shoving off here shortly.

Leaving SPJE to SPJB

Take off wt: 42043#
Fuel: 2668.8#
Cargo: 12000#
Crew (5) 845#

Major problems with computer ( problems with FS9 keeps crashing), returning to SPJE when problems are corrected!
:jump:Finally made it to SPJB landed safe and sound. The computer CDT a number of times, but the Duenna never did shut down, strange.

Flight time: 00:52:21
TTL time: 00:52:22
Landing wt: 40575.7#
Fuel used: 1453.9#
Cargo del: 12000#

maintenance points ?
:running:We had some neat thoughts about getting out of this box canyon ASAP, or maybe we have just been watching two many Western Movies. Well, it doesn't matter were leaving.

Taking off from SPJB to SPHZ

Take off wt: 42063#
Fuel: 2188.8#
Cargo: 12500
Crew (5) 845#
:salute:Hot dog! we got out of that hole SPHZ and landed at SPHZ.

A little tight coming out of SPHZ, we had full power up, and then released the brake, and it was still real slow start off. At 65kts I gave her a little back on the yoke we lifted just a little and then I yell or tried to yell about the roar of the engine "Dudey, Gear Up!" Ah, a little bounce and tuck sometimes does wonder.

Flight time: 00:43:59
TTL time: 00:44:00
Landing wt: 40838.2#
Fuel used: 1186.1#
Cargo del: 12500#

:running: Sure glad the weather was good, flying through those canyon could have been a little tricky in bad weather. Still we cut some of those mountains a little close. we could have put down the gears and just coasted. hehe
:salute: Hey, we're off and running again. :running: Unloaded and reloaded for cargo from

Take off wt: 43025#
Fuel: 2150.40#
Cargo: 12500#
Crew: (5) 845#