OK, SU_6 has sucker punched me !



Well here goes, SU_4 over NYC a couple of days before the great SU_5 that gave me a wonderful performance boost :

Before Preformance update_7.jpg

All the usual bells & whistles turned on to my liking.

Computer specs " I-7 10700, 32 GB DDR4 3200mHz, GTX 1080 8 GB, 1TB M.2 NVMe SSD, Internet speed 25MB ( but really only get 17-19 MB d/l ) .... blah blah

Then we all got SU_5 that gave me almost double FPS that are shown above ... I wuz a happy little thing.
What has ASOBO slipped into SU_6 ?

I spent the weekend fooling around with the "new sliders", reading other forums:






All other settings are just the way I liked them

You got me again ASOBO :banghead:
For me Performance was better with Off Screen Caching set to Ultra, which makes sense for CPU limited systems.
... alright now, going to bump this back up, maybe it will help someone. I think I've figured it out. :jump:

I've tried to use the Scientific Method on this, first was HDR. I have a HDR monitor & a video card that can run it. HDR in MSFS is fantastic ! I'm going to keep it "On".
These 2 screenshots were over Tokyo before I found my solution. I needed a large city and to fly low with a complex aircraft so I could "stress" my system. It looks like I'm flying in Flight Sim 2000!
HDR on = over exposure of the screenshot.



These are worse than SU_4 at the opening screenshots at the top of this thread. I think these were captured Thursday.
There must be something wrong, either with your settings in the sim, or with the settings in your NVidia Control Panel.
I have just an i7 8700k and a GTX 1070ti, and I'm getting way higher performance in 2D than your are getting in these screenshots. Also, the screenshot clearly shows you're at a very low visual quality setting, so getting only 10 FPS out of such an "ugly" setup is definitely not normal.

Have you investigated if anything had changed regarding your graphic drivers ?
The FPS counter tells your you're limited by the GPU, but a 1080 should give you way more than that anyways, just like my GTX 1070ti does.
I would look carefully at the driver version, and the "heavy" settings such as antialiasing (transparency, especially) and such...
I then made more changes to a lot of the "Options" in MSFS and double checking even the most insignificant ones.

These were after checking my AT&T speed test and making sure that I had "Photogrammetry" turned on. I also looked at my "Data" usage.

These were taken over Tokyo again on Friday ... my photogrammetry was back, but my FPS were still low compared to what SU_5 had given me .... back to the drawing board .... :banghead:





Wait a second... why is the "Render" line (under the FPS value) showing such a high value as 5120x2880 ???
Did you maybe set the render scale too high ?
What if you get the render scale back to 100 ?
This is what I get over New York.
To match your situation a bit better, I have reactivated the photogrammetry and the VSync (both are usually OFF on my side).
Look at the numbers (resolution) indicated under the FPS counter:

I tested everything .... when I used the "toolbar" at the top of MSFS all of my windows like weather, camera, vfr map and the like were slow to open. I use TrackIR 5 and it seemed to "pan around" okay without pauses and MSFS itself only had micro pauses that I could observe. So I then ran the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool, I do not have MemTest 86 installed.... thinking that if another window was slow to load, then my memory has something wrong with it. Nope, it was all okay. I upgraded from my old 456 something Nvidia driver the latest 496.49. Nope !

So I kept scratching away at this mutha'....

Then I saw it ! It was right in front of my face and I did not pay attention to it ..... do y'all see it :mixed-smiley-010: I'm back in business ! These were taken over NYC this morning.





The 1st. two screens posted have 30 FPS :wiggle:

I had my Render Scaling Resolution set beyond what my monitor was capable of displaying. I set it back to 2560X1440

I'll eat crow on this one ASOBO, where's the salt and some of that hot sauce.
Glad to see you could find the issue :)
Enjoy your flights !

PS: Why the limit to 30 FPS ? To avoid the micro-stutters ? How was it with unlimited FPS and VSync OFF ?
I'll give that a try tomorrow. I'd set the FPS to 30 to help with stuttering. I never fooled with Vsync. I thought it was supposed to be on.
You generally want V-Sync off in games unless you have a need for it as it increases input latency. If you are limiting your FPS using in-game limiter, there shouldn't be a need to use V-Sync. V-sync can cause performance issues and make any decrease in frame rate more noticeable than if V-Sync were turned off. The only real reason to have V-Sync enabled is if you are experiencing screen tearing.
Ak416, you're right about the VSync, however if I'm not mistaken, if you set it to OFF in MSFS, then the frame rate limit setting becomes greyed out, so I suppose it becomes inactive/ignored.
Concerning the micro-stuttering, if the FPS limit is effective, then you should keep it. But since your computer seems barely able to maintain that value in your screenshots, it might be worth a try to set it off and give it a go for a few flights, see if your eyes can get used to it, something like that...
What I do is limit the framerates in the Nvidia control panel. Just thinking out loud!

Thanks y'all,

I did as instructed:


I have a monitor that has FreeSync Premium Pro : So I thought that all of that Sync stuff had to be turned on. Thanks for schooling me on that issue. I read several internet searches about whether one should have it on or off. It's kinda clear to me now.

Good Monitor_ Sept. 22_2020.png
Here are a few screenshots to prove, that in my case, Vsync should be off. These are this morning again over NYC, low altitude, complex aircraft, payware KTEB scenery as take off point, Live weather, etc. and most of my settings are on High & Ultra.

These 1st. four are right at daybreak ... to stress my system .... at least in FSX and P3D it did. These are on the "Jersey side" and as I flew out and made my left hand turn to go back .... MSFS just froze up .... this involved pausing the sim, going in and out of the cockpit to tell the autopilot gryo thing to turn.... taking screenshot, going in and out of full screen to windowed mode, pasting into Windows paint program ... etc; etc.





I had a sustained increase to 30 FPS, after that last screenshot she froze up ! :banghead: