Old Alphasim models

Pat Pattle

A few years ago Alphasim made some of their source models available, with their original site down does anyone know if they're still available?

Alphasim is making available the complete source files for a number of their aircraft add-ons for customers to alter as they wish. As far as I’m aware, this is a first from an add-on developer and is an interesting move.
New Store Section added : ‘GMax Source Files’ ! The complete source files for the following models can now be purchased and used to make your own variations (and improvements !) :

  • C-130 Hercules (12 C-130 variants, including Spectre, C-130J, stretched Herc, ski-equipped LC-130 and a low-poly AI version as well as several CFS2-specific models).
  • P-51D Mustang
  • Armstrong-Whitworth Whitley
  • CF-100 Canuck
  • CF-105 Arrow
  • Handley-Page Halifax Mk.3 (includes Halton, C.8 and AI model)
  • Kawanishi ‘Mavis’ flying boat
  • Vickers Wellington (inlcudes Mk.1, Mk.2 and Mk.3, plus AI)
There was no file gosd, it was a dead link to their site.

I've found all the old fs02/cfs2/fs9 models which are now freeware: http://www.virtavia.com/Freeware/index.php

I've converted some of the mdl's from these to 3ds using modelconverterx (for my own future use), there's some useful stuff here such as the Lockheed Harpoon which could become a Hudson with a bit of work and also a mk47 Seafire :)

The list also contains a lot of paintkits too.
I've converted some of the mdl's from these to 3ds using modelconverterx (for my own future use)

well I notice the copywrites are pretty open so maybe someday we'll get a spin :wiggle:
well I notice the copywrites are pretty open so maybe someday we'll get a spin :wiggle:

This is from the readme of the Gypsy Moth but I think it applies to all models (will check):
These files are freeware. Please amend/distribute as you see fit.
They are unsupported, so please do not e-mail us if you have problems.
Under no circumstances may these files be sold or uploaded to a payware site or any kind of illegal warez site.

I would think that means that we can convert them and distribute as freeware.
I have noted quite a lot of interesting aircraft there.

Not that I am even a little partial to bombers ( :wiggle: ) but does anyone know
- how they compare with any current CFS3 versions?
- how easy (for the right guy) to convert??
I've done a lot of work on the Beaufort based on that assumption.

Excellent! I think that seals t then. :)

I have noted quite a lot of interesting aircraft there.

Not that I am even a little partial to bombers ( :wiggle: ) but does anyone know
- how they compare with any current CFS3 versions?
- how easy (for the right guy) to convert??​

There's not a lot that we don't have already and what we do have is pretty bloomin' fantastic, especally the Wellington and Halifaxes - albeit the Halifax is a little wrong around the starboard cockpit side.

Not easy to convert but do-able. I wish I'd seen their Tiggie before embarking on my model, it's much better!
There's not a lot that we don't have already and what we do have is pretty bloomin' fantastic, especally the Wellington and Halifaxes - albeit the Halifax is a little wrong around the starboard cockpit side.

Not easy to convert but do-able. I wish I'd seen their Tiggie before embarking on my model, it's much better!

Well Ted et al have done great work on the Lanc/Hali/Wimpy but I think the Stirling/Whitly/Hampden could still be improved.
Well Ted et al have done great work on the Lanc/Hali/Wimpy but I think the Stirling/Whitly/Hampden could still be improved.

yes that's true, trouble is the number of modellers active in cfs3 can be counted on one hand I think. :(

Here's the Alphasim B17G in gmax. Took about an hour to get this far, this will become one of the taxiing a/c models.
Some convert better than others, this one's not bad, just missing the props.

These models also come with crews which could be used elsewhere in cfs3.

View attachment 86684
The Mavis would be worth having as a target too.

Yes that ones converted ok, too many models and too little time at the moment! :( Maybe one we can come back to sometime if someone was prepared to do all the files required.
Yes!!! :jump::jump::jump: Thank you Alphasim!


There was no file gosd, it was a dead link to their site.

I've found all the old fs02/cfs2/fs9 models which are now freeware: http://www.virtavia.com/Freeware/index.php

I've converted some of the mdl's from these to 3ds using modelconverterx (for my own future use), there's some useful stuff here such as the Lockheed Harpoon which could become a Hudson with a bit of work and also a mk47 Seafire :)

The list also contains a lot of paintkits too.

Clive - could you be a champ and send me the b17 in gamx? Would it be too much to ask to get the Harpoon too?

Hi Ted,

Would be a pleasure, will get them over to you in the next day or so.

Anything else there take your fancy?


If you want photos of a Hudson, I have some from the RAF museum Hendon's Mk.III. Drop me a PM if you want 'em
Do we have an HE115 in cfs3? I can't find one and there's a useable CFS1 Alphasim model which I have.

At present working on the Bulldog, then there's a Hart, Hind, Felixstowe and Heyford ripe for conversion too. :)