Old Alphasim models

I vaguely remember seeing a g-max screenie of a He-115 a while ago,it may have been from Matias,but I'm sure I also remember seeing a Walrus,Ar-126,P-61,Mavis,Jill and a long time ago a Fury or Hart,Banshee and Hunter.The between the wars stuff is fascinating,can't wait for the Bulldog!.
I vaguely remember seeing a g-max screenie of a He-115 a while ago,it may have been from Matias,but I'm sure I also remember seeing a Walrus,Ar-126,P-61,Mavis,Jill and a long time ago a Fury or Hart,Banshee and Hunter.The between the wars stuff is fascinating,can't wait for the Bulldog!.​

Yes I think you're right Pete now I come to think about it, definatley have seen Mathias' Walrus model and someone had a nearly finished Fury/Hart.

The Bulldog is coming along quite quickly, it's great being able to start with an almost complete fully textured model! am working on the 'pit at present then need to add damageboxes, emmiters, end caps and Lods. Shouldn't be more than a few weeks. :) I want to get their set of pre war RAF types up and flying.
That's fantastic news Pat,looking forward to flying out of Kenley in a Bulldog or re-enacting the Hendon Air Pageants of the 1930's.
That Heinkel looks like it will make a nice target! Will be nice to round out the Luftwaffe's line up for the BoB.