Old repaint projects saved from last Novembers HDD fatality.

I am happy to see L-39ZA and Yak-3 along with the others.Brilliant works as always Steve!!!:encouragement:

Great repaints Steve, you also pointed to some models which were not known to me yet.

NICE ZA! Thanks again Steve! You are relentless! :encouragement:

These are all skins that I have found lurking, shame I lost the paint masters as so many of them just needed a few bits and pieces too finish them.
Glad you like them.

Flight Replica's 109 G10 Luftwaffe 0297: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9ru8cbjv290gxuq/fr_109G-10_0297.zip?dl=0

This Aircraft crash landed in Sweden and was repaired and tested by the Swedish. As I previously Released the 0297 in green with Swedish roundels I wondered what this cammo scheme would look like with over painted German insignia and Swedish insignia applied. so this download has 2 texture sets included.


  • fr_109g10_lw0297_y5.jpg
    62.1 KB · Views: 51
Hey Steve --

I remember downloading a lot of your textures for the FR Bf-109's. I may not have ALL of them but I remember "Green 5"... :encouragement:


Cheers -- BB686:US-flag:
Hey Steve --

Where did you find this plane...?


I recently re-installed me Bear Studios MiG-15 and MiG-17, grabbed your paints for the specified MiG-17 models. I have been trying to re-activate me CS Yak-3 but having issues at the mo. I really like flying the Russian Cold War planes. Both the 15 and the 17 are the latest revisions from Bear Studios.

Cheers -- BB686:US-flag:
IL-18D version 1.3 for FS2004 by Edgar Guinart, available from flightsim or avsim.