Ok further to the last, I think it;s a mapdata.xml issue WRT what bmp is activated. Still investigating as it should be a yellow h2s mao. bmp at all levels?
This is very frustrating!

I have tried in 3 different installs but end up not only with the green screen but also all the airbases which shouldn't show up! AFAIK, that bmp is not even present in the installs!
<Dialog Image="help/h2s_screen.bmp" Movable="No" ZOrder="Top" Offset="10,10">
<Button ID="Cancel" X="6" Y="6" Width="50" Height="50" NoCaption="Yes" Image="common_screens/overlay.bmp"/>
<Label ID="ctrl6" Caption="" X="520" Y="21" Width="80" Height="14" FontName="metaltype" Align="Center"/>
<EditBox ID="edtDescription" X="517" Y="51" Width="247" Height="441" ReadOnly="true" Image="common_screens/dropbox.bmp[1]" FontName="textfontflt" Textcolor="#000000,#000000,#000000"/>
<MissionMap ID="map" X="6" Y="6" Width="500" Height="500" Image="ctrl"/>
mapdata ( but I removed the icons.)
<!--This file describes what images should be used for displaying the Campaign/Waypoints map-->
<!-- Alt specifies the minimal altitude (in meters) starting from which the given map image should be displayed. -->
<Level Alt="500000.0">
<Map Image="map\h2s.bmp">
<UpperLeft Lat="N45 29 39.5581" Lon="E9 21 50.2722"/>
<LowerRight Lat="N28 30 20.4946" Lon="E30 38 9.6909"/>
<Level Alt="200000.0">
<Map Image="map\h2s.bmp">
<UpperLeft Lat="N45 29 39.5581" Lon="E9 21 50.2722"/>
<LowerRight Lat="N28 30 20.4946" Lon="E30 38 9.6909"/>
<Level Alt="0.0">
<Map Image="map\h2s.bmp">
<UpperLeft Lat="N45 29 39.5581" Lon="E9 21 50.2722"/>
<LowerRight Lat="N28 30 20.4946" Lon="E30 38 9.6909"/>
<Icon Type="airbase1" Image="common_screens\airbase_blue.bmp[2]" Alt="0."/>
<Icon Type="airbase2" Image="common_screens\airbase_red.bmp[2]" Alt="0."/>
<Icon Type="airbase_empty" Image="common_screens\airbase_gray.bmp[2]" Alt="0."/>
<Icon Type="bridge1" Image="common_screens\bridge_blue.bmp[2]" Alt="1000000."/>
<Icon Type="bridge2" Image="common_screens\bridge_red.bmp[2]" Alt="1000000."/>
<Icon Type="factory1" Image="common_screens\factory_blue.bmp[2]" Alt="1000000."/>
<Icon Type="factory2" Image="common_screens\factory_red.bmp[2]" Alt="1000000."/>
<Icon Type="railyard1" Image="common_screens\railyard_blue.bmp[2]" Alt="1000000."/>
<Icon Type="railyard2" Image="common_screens\railyard_red.bmp[2]" Alt="1000000."/>
<Icon Type="port1" Image="common_screens\port_blue.bmp[2]" Alt="1000000."/>
<Icon Type="port2" Image="common_screens\port_red.bmp[2]" Alt="1000000."/>
<Icon Type="hq1" Image="campaign\map_btnBlue.bmp[2]" Alt="0."/>
<Icon Type="hq2" Image="campaign\map_btnRed.bmp[2]" Alt="0."/>
<Icon Type="hq_human" Image="campaign\map_btnGrn.bmp[2]" Alt="0."/>
<Icon Type="hq_plrnat" Image="campaign\map_btnYel.bmp[2]" Alt="0."/>
<Icon Type="trgsec" Image="campaign\map_TargRed.bmp[1]" Alt="0."/>