Old soh.com threads


I was looking at some entries in the project knowledge base and the links to other threads were dead. Were old soh,com entries not preserved, or did I miss something on that? (Blame my 80 yr. old memory if I did. :p )
Have you tried changing the .com suffix to a .org suffix to see if the pages are on this site?
As far as I am aware all the forum posts were transferred so the suffix to the forum posts should now be .org and not .com. The links within a post have not been edited as there would be just too many to manually track down and edit but if you can highlight the link by dragging over it and then copy and paste into a search bar and the changed the suffix to .org before hitting 'enter' it might find the former linked page again.
I'am afraid that just changing the .com to .org will not work. You'll have to search the forums. Good news is that the search function of the new site is a lot better than on the old site.

I remember those threads. A search here turned up nothing, but I found a related image from Feb 2018 on my computer.

Mt. Etna
Yes and you improved on it; see a 2/22/2018 email from you. My current problem is that I put all your stuff into the install but for some reason one similar to above shows up instead of this one below in yellow, or a slightly similar one. IIRC, the overlay and h2s screen bmps were replacements for the map and not the TAC, and the erroneous or ols overlay in green keep showing up as further below

h2s map display illustration.jpgh2s wrong.jpg
Ok further to the last, I think it;s a mapdata.xml issue WRT what bmp is activated. Still investigating as it should be a yellow h2s mao. bmp at all levels?
Ok further to the last, I think it;s a mapdata.xml issue WRT what bmp is activated. Still investigating as it should be a yellow h2s mao. bmp at all levels?
This is very frustrating! :banghead: I have tried in 3 different installs but end up not only with the green screen but also all the airbases which shouldn't show up! AFAIK, that bmp is not even present in the installs!


<Dialog Image="help/h2s_screen.bmp" Movable="No" ZOrder="Top" Offset="10,10">
<Button ID="Cancel" X="6" Y="6" Width="50" Height="50" NoCaption="Yes" Image="common_screens/overlay.bmp"/>
<Label ID="ctrl6" Caption="" X="520" Y="21" Width="80" Height="14" FontName="metaltype" Align="Center"/>
<EditBox ID="edtDescription" X="517" Y="51" Width="247" Height="441" ReadOnly="true" Image="common_screens/dropbox.bmp[1]" FontName="textfontflt" Textcolor="#000000,#000000,#000000"/>
<MissionMap ID="map" X="6" Y="6" Width="500" Height="500" Image="ctrl"/>

mapdata ( but I removed the icons.)

<!--This file describes what images should be used for displaying the Campaign/Waypoints map-->
<!-- Alt specifies the minimal altitude (in meters) starting from which the given map image should be displayed. -->
<Level Alt="500000.0">
<Map Image="map\h2s.bmp">
<UpperLeft Lat="N45 29 39.5581" Lon="E9 21 50.2722"/>
<LowerRight Lat="N28 30 20.4946" Lon="E30 38 9.6909"/>
<Level Alt="200000.0">
<Map Image="map\h2s.bmp">
<UpperLeft Lat="N45 29 39.5581" Lon="E9 21 50.2722"/>
<LowerRight Lat="N28 30 20.4946" Lon="E30 38 9.6909"/>
<Level Alt="0.0">
<Map Image="map\h2s.bmp">
<UpperLeft Lat="N45 29 39.5581" Lon="E9 21 50.2722"/>
<LowerRight Lat="N28 30 20.4946" Lon="E30 38 9.6909"/>
<Icon Type="airbase1" Image="common_screens\airbase_blue.bmp[2]" Alt="0."/>
<Icon Type="airbase2" Image="common_screens\airbase_red.bmp[2]" Alt="0."/>
<Icon Type="airbase_empty" Image="common_screens\airbase_gray.bmp[2]" Alt="0."/>
<Icon Type="bridge1" Image="common_screens\bridge_blue.bmp[2]" Alt="1000000."/>
<Icon Type="bridge2" Image="common_screens\bridge_red.bmp[2]" Alt="1000000."/>
<Icon Type="factory1" Image="common_screens\factory_blue.bmp[2]" Alt="1000000."/>
<Icon Type="factory2" Image="common_screens\factory_red.bmp[2]" Alt="1000000."/>
<Icon Type="railyard1" Image="common_screens\railyard_blue.bmp[2]" Alt="1000000."/>
<Icon Type="railyard2" Image="common_screens\railyard_red.bmp[2]" Alt="1000000."/>
<Icon Type="port1" Image="common_screens\port_blue.bmp[2]" Alt="1000000."/>
<Icon Type="port2" Image="common_screens\port_red.bmp[2]" Alt="1000000."/>
<Icon Type="hq1" Image="campaign\map_btnBlue.bmp[2]" Alt="0."/>
<Icon Type="hq2" Image="campaign\map_btnRed.bmp[2]" Alt="0."/>
<Icon Type="hq_human" Image="campaign\map_btnGrn.bmp[2]" Alt="0."/>
<Icon Type="hq_plrnat" Image="campaign\map_btnYel.bmp[2]" Alt="0."/>
<Icon Type="trgsec" Image="campaign\map_TargRed.bmp[1]" Alt="0."/>