One for the scenery gurus

Donation drives

SOH Bandwidth Drive 2025

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Naturally! could be an ongoing thing and i update the library when i make something new...

but yeah i'll make it available to all... :salute: can't have all your aircraft getting wet (floatplanes excepted) now can we? :icon_lol:
Matt, to quote Pointy21 (May he rest in peace and may light shine upon him +): You my friend have a case of cajun koolaide coming your way.

remember as well you can scale it, so 80% of that size (0.8) might be a bit better fit, i designed it around Cessna 208 size....
hmmm ? That gives the idea to create a german "Feldflugplatz". Somewhere in russia or poland ? All I need now are german barracks. I think I'll start a search for them ;-) btw Looks really good ! :applause:
remember as well you can scale it, so 80% of that size (0.8) might be a bit better fit, i designed it around Cessna 208 size....

I have already tried it out at 0.8 and it's a perfect fit for my Cessna 140. I'm looking forward to redoing some more little strips using it. A few years back, I made a ficticious strip that I called "My Farm." I placed it beside a lake about 35 miles from where I live. It also had a float-plane dock. I did some AFCAD and TTools work and had all kind of AI traffic coming in and out of it. Someone here at the Outhouse walked me through making a water runway. I also had a Cessna Ag Truck working for me. Had to pay for the farm some way.

Thank you Matt for doing the hanger.

hmmm ? That gives the idea to create a german "Feldflugplatz". Somewhere in russia or poland ? All I need now are german barracks. I think I'll start a search for them ;-) btw Looks really good ! :applause:

You might want to download AI Simms object library. Our very own DangerousDave got permission to repackage it. You can get it right here at the Outhouse.
