Well, that sounds atleast hopeful, Don ! Thanks !
You know, what was so extremely beautiful and immensely immerseful (if that's a correct word..;-) during this MS Flight mission, was the actual 'getting out of the clouds and into the clear again' bit. With a sudden burst of extreme clear sunlight that also accentuated the imperfections/ scratches on the canopy glass as the perfect apotheosis of the very realistic climb through the clouds or murk if you will. And just before that the clouds would get thinner and thinner and more transparant before fading away completely.
I lost count of how many times i spoke about this particularly interesting and outstanding MS Flight experience in the various fora but literally no one, not one flightsimloving soul whatsoever reacted to it, knew what i was for heavensake talking about. Seems very much like the one and only truly and utterly spectacular event that could have ever been experienced in a Flight Simulator version has miserably failed to get attention but for only *one* dedicated flightsimmer : me..... (must say i start to believe that i might have dreamed it, that it really never happend..... ;-)
One more try then : dear flightsimmers of SOH, is there really no one here that took the chance and bought MS Flight (released Feb.2012) and played the 'mission' to take an astronomy photographer up above the cloud deck (over Hawaii) in a RV-8 (or -7) ??....... ("can't remember" won't work because *IF* you did it would've been impossible to *not* remember)
Oh well, thanks again, Don ! I'll continue to look at MSFS2024 vids for glimpses of flying thru the clouds.