Operation Piranha Dodger

Darned if I know where we're at. But I do think they're speaking French.

Headed for our landing spot next to the town


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Well here we are again, a real nice flight from SMZO to SOCA, all I can say is that we are somewhere in South America! Hehe the runway at SMZO was around 2200 feet and you either flew out over the building at one end of the runway or the other end some very big tree. We all made it in and out without to many problems. I believe most of us reduced our fuel loads for take off. The camera is still working which is a big surprise to Dudley and me. So, we will see you all later.
Hi there again, Hey, the whole gang, with the exception of one, who we really miss, and hope he gets well soon, got together and flew into brazil (SNCC), and the good news, that was passed on, is that we are going to land in a river that has small fishie with big teeth (Piranha) that just about made my day. Any way, we had a change and we landed just north of SNCC in an inlet or bay on the coast, but I still ain't going to wash me feet in the water. Hehe.:very_drunk: lol, got me beer and fishing pole and am going fishing. Are you kidding!
A moment of reflection while peacefully resting in a small inlet at dusk while the others go fishing.

Amazing how alive the jungle is with all the noises coming from it...

Hey there,

Had a bad start for last nights flight. Willy and I were planning out our take off route when No 1 engine on our PBY started really acting up, unable to even get taxi speed out of it. So we shut down for the day, and Dudley and I got into trying to find out what the heck went wrong. After most of the day trying get the bloody thing going we found a very small part, at last, on the fuel system causing the problem. We are going to stay one more night on this here fishiest river with fish who would try to eat us. lol

We will be off soon, so will see you again
There I was anchored out in the water drinking a cold one watching Taco muck about with his engine and something big bumped the hell out of my float. Nope, not going back in that water until take off time.


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Rob put us down in the mouth of the Amazon, right on the equator. Note the Lat location in the photo. (There is even a water tile line to confirm).

Hey there!

As you more likely noticed from the pervious post that we are some where on the equator in the middle of the amazon river. Something like the North and South are the same, I believe. Up loaded a couple of pictures, one showing where we left from near SNCC, and showing we are on our way to SBMQ, wherever that is. The other picture shows a "Cat" chasing a "Duck" Hehe. See you all later!
A few shots from tonight's flight down the Amazon.


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:encouragement:Here I is again,

A very nice flight from SBMQ to SNWR some where in Brazil, and your guess would be a good as mine. Just kidding I know where we are some where, hehe, in South America. Instead of landing in the local pond as we usually do, we decide to use the runway for a change. It would give a good chance to do some TLC on the aircraft, and believe me, I know the CAT needed some! See you all next time
:wavey:Hello everybody,

We had a very nice flight from SBTU to SBJC, where we landed in the Amazon River not to far from our hotel, Just hope I travel agent didn't forget to book us which has happened in the past. And speaking about him, sometime he give us an flight plan that leave a lot to be desired. Rob went off to Belem Airport to practice some landing in his new ride a D-18 Beechcraft amphibian, evidently, he did OK we all got together had very nice conversation and a great dinner together. Belem is kind of at the head water of the Amazon as it discharges into the Atlantic Ocean. We should be heading off to SNCP here shortly. Oh, by the way, the food and drinks were just great. hehe
:applause:hehe back again.

What can I say about last nights flight. A couple if things, one: if around the airport there wasn't a bunch of tall trees surrounding the place it sure help if we needed to land there.. Wasn't much water around for landing with the exception of a muddy swamp. Oh well, we are flight 19 so didn't matter which one, Just kidding! We had a lot of rain and wind on this flight just enough to wash the dust off the planes, but the weather did it thing and cleared up just as we arrived at the airport. The trip was IFR, I follow roads. No nav. aids. But we all made it down on the grass runway no dent, no scraps and no errors. hehe See you all later. :encouragement:
We've been having a debate about whose scenery is "right". Kevin contends I land "in the city" or "the jungle... really I land (mostly) on the water...
SBSL (Sao Luis, Brazil) for example...



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On the road to Parnaiba, Brazil. Eddie the mechanic looks a little green in the back...

Hey there,:very_drunk:

We had a nice flight between SNOB to SNWC with the exception of Willy who was having some problems with the D-18 and returned to SNOB. As we approached SNOB we ran into what some of the flight called bump, hehe these were mountains. I climbed up to 5,000 feet just to be careful and as I made the turn back to SNWC there it was a biggie, so maintain the 5,000 until over the bugger and descended to around 3,000 feet. It was flat as a pancake for the rest of the trip. See you all later.
:wavey:Hey There! so here we are again.

Due to the American Holiday of July 4th, and some major mechanical problems we are still at SNWC. worst thing no Mc Donalds hehe and not much of anything else. With any kind of luck we should be back in the air tonight on our way to SBFZ, now don't ask me where that is. So Long see you later.
Apparently there's some customs agents at SNWC that seem to have taken an extreme interest in my lil ol' Twin Beech, so I'm hanging out at SNOB and will fly on to SBFZ this evening and meet the rest of Flight 19 there.

(Translation: there's something in the SNWC area that keeps crashing FS on me while the flight is loading. But I can get a flight loaded from SNOB which is my plan to catch back up. Good thing the "com radio" still works)

Flying SNWC to SBFZ was almost like flying USA Midwest, lots of farms and small communities. I really thought we would see a lot more of the jungle, but there has been a lot slash and burn going on in Brazil in the last few decades. Making room for grazing, don't know if that's good or bad. But any way it was a nice flight.
Ended up flying the Avia into SBFZ (actually a nearby inlet). Great flight even if I was still having some issues.