I've had the same problems downloading "some" sceneries in FTX Central. When mine would do that, I would go to straight download, and install with FTX. Has not happened lately, was mostly after ORBX stopped selling in outside stores, and made everything transfer to them, and use FTX Central mandatory. Funny thing was, it was not consistent. Sometimes it would be large files, sometimes small ones. My latest purchases all downloaded well.
On another note, do we have to redownload everything for P3Dv4? I just got my 'puter back up and running, so haven't installed anything to v4 yet.
EDIT: Went to ORBX forum, found info on new FTX Central and what upgrades. Letting it do them now.
On another note, do we have to redownload everything for P3Dv4? I just got my 'puter back up and running, so haven't installed anything to v4 yet.
EDIT: Went to ORBX forum, found info on new FTX Central and what upgrades. Letting it do them now.
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