agricultural division of this package could've made for some extraordinairy challenging and exiting flying experience in MSFS finally !
Avangel's review ( of it however seems to prove that Orbx left it as just another single turboprop aircraft without any bells and whistles. IMHO certainly a missed chance as ever there was.
Orbx being famous and well respected for their beautiful and sometimes amazingly enchanting sceneries, one of the biggest FS scenery producers in the market for years already, had the chance here to atleast add one or even more typical New Zealand sloping airstrip sceneries specially created for 'top dressing' farm fields in the surrouding mountainous area's. I mean, why not for Pete's sake ! If anyone can do it it's Orbx, right !?
They could've even go 'all the way' and add the fertilizer installation at the top of the strip with animated fertilizer truck to fill up our PAC P-750 for the next flight. ( ok, a non animated truck would've been nice as well, better than nothing anyway..). Yes, the lid of the fertilizer tank can be opened and closed but that's it. A bit sad really, isn't it...
Here's how it *could* have been.... A missed chance ? Absolutely ! ( ok, not so much a PAC P-750 but its predecessor Fletcher FU24 Turbo. Had some good fun with that FSX ! ):
And here's the view from the cockpit :
That fun flying or what ??!!
Hoping maybe Orbx comes to it senses and release a few of these typical 'top dressing' sloping hill farmstrip sceneries. I'll certainly buy the PAC P-750 then (provided they'll upgrade the soundsuite, add fertilizer load to drop and add atleast a static fertilizer installation and truck)
Thank you.