They all have their benefits. IE10 is the first version to have a native spell checker, and even auto-corrects. Although I'm posting this from Firefox, I actually like Chrome for posting and webmail because it gives me the option to paste unformatted text so I don't end up with a mishmash of fonts and sizes that I have to go back and reformat.
The biggest issue that causes some things to work on one browser and not another is the raging feud between MS and Google. Google owns a controlling interest in Linux, so MS hates Google and Google hates MS. So what does that cause? Well, the last time I tried to access my Google+ account in IE, it was completely non-functional, and when I try to use Google Maps in IE, there are certain elements there that don't work either. And it wasn't very long ago that Bing denied access to non-Windows operating systems. (But oddly enough, Linux commands actually work in the CLI on Surface tablets.) On the plus side, the browser war has quieted recently, but I don't see a full cease-fire any time soon.