Bah! Whatever. My favorite RPG is still Baldur's Gate. I just find ALL of the new games a bit...ehm how can I say...full-of-bugs-and-not-so-inspired/addictive..
Every new game is full of OMGAMAZINGRAPHIX but oh the gameplay isnt that good. Plus it is full of bugs. And what else? Every new game I have bought the last 2 years seems veeery good at the first 3 days but then...huh? You discover there is no depth and you just go back to the oldies. Where shall I start from? Elder Scrolls:Oblivion? (Hell that was 50 euros thrown away). Gothic 3? (I dont care if it is released 6 months later just make it right!!) Silent Hunter 4? (Bug me more). Warhammer Online?? (Big mistake. What was I thinking?? It is Electronic (F)Arts for crying out loud!)
Hell I played Duke Nukem 3D after like 10 years and YES it still KICKS ARSE. :friday:.
Thats Why I liked Phase 2. Every day you discovered something new.
And I know why I am gonna like Phase 3. Because it is gonna be far from bugfull and far from just another eye-candy. I am sure it is gonna be the best game I have ever played.
I still remember the day back when I was 8 and my uncle bought me Red Bardon 3D. I was playing it using a Pacman joystick with 2 big red buttons (and no rudder of course :costumes
. I remember staring at the manual (didnt speak so much english back then :costumes
and laugh at the moustaches of the generals in the photos. But I played the game for 4 years. I was in love with it for 4 years. Thats a lot of time for one game.
But hell I know that Phase 3 will be 10 times better than RB3D.
So Stop fooling around with Fallout 3 and go burn some DVDs yourself to help us get the game faster!!!:costumes::costumes::costumes: