I noticed someone near the start of this thread panned Gothic 3 (with good reason I might add). People do yourselves a favor if you are fans of RPG's and go find the first two games in this series, Gothic and Gothic 2. They are epic! I enjoyed them more than Morrowind and Oblivion, which are the only games they are really comparable too in style. They admittedly aren't as pretty as Oblivion, but still rather excellent.
Have to admit I'm looking forward to Fallout3 myself. It is sitting on my shelf, as yet un-installed, (I'm still pretty addicted to Age of Conan at the moment), but is sure to get a thrashing sometime in 2009.
Of course the release of P3 may well put those plans back a few months
As far as First Person Shooters go.... run out and grab Left 4 Dead, which was recently released by Valve. Best co-op game I've played in ages. Valve have basically taken the 28 Days Later take on Zombie movie epics, and turned it into a frantic co-op shooter which is just insanely fast paced.
Have to admit I'm looking forward to Fallout3 myself. It is sitting on my shelf, as yet un-installed, (I'm still pretty addicted to Age of Conan at the moment), but is sure to get a thrashing sometime in 2009.
Of course the release of P3 may well put those plans back a few months
As far as First Person Shooters go.... run out and grab Left 4 Dead, which was recently released by Valve. Best co-op game I've played in ages. Valve have basically taken the 28 Days Later take on Zombie movie epics, and turned it into a frantic co-op shooter which is just insanely fast paced.