outta the game for good....sorry


I'm very sorry to see you go but glad that life is alot brighter for you now. Your models have dramatically raised the bar and put payware to shame. I thank you for everything you have made and for the technical support you have given me over the years. Your stunning models are an absolute pleasure to fly and have provided many hours of enjoyment. Good luck my friend, I hope you have found true happiness.:guinness:
we'll certainly miss you around here, I'm sorry to see you go but happy things are going well for you. Best wishes in the future!
Thanks to your contribution to CFS3 Dancat !!!! and all the best to you !!!
I've also no more time (a very few time :mixedsmi:) for installing and playing with the new stuffs from all the good men giving their time for CFS3. :applause:
We are waiting for a good news (october...or may be september...) and have start to repaint our apartment...(look like better than all the cfs3 repainting I have tried, and never uploaded here... nobody here are missing them) because of the little angel (let see if she will really be an angel) to come.
Hoping that we will found a bigger one before the end of 2010...
I'm giving my CFS3 to my 10 years old 'little' son... just to keep it on my computer :kilroy:, and will try to visit you regularly... :engel016:

thanks to all of you !!!
By Jon,

Thanks 4 your contribution!!! Have a great life with your family. Perhaps we'll see you later.


O, before I forget: If you still have unfinished projects on you computer that you're not completely satisfied with, perhaps you can upload them to the beta-section of SOH. Others can can work with them so that the whole community can enjoy all your efforts.
We are waiting for a good news (october...or may be september...) and have start to repaint our apartment...............because of the little angel (let see if she will really be an angel) to come.


CONGRATULATIONS FRED !! all the best wishes to You, your Family and the newcomer.

Cris "Astore"