... I still have an old VHS copy of the show he did on that plane...
Was that the "Roaring Glory" P-38 video? I have that one too, as well as a couple others in that series that he did.
... I still have an old VHS copy of the show he did on that plane...
The one that Jeff Ethell flew in the Roaring Glory video, and in the photoshoot, is still intact and flying, that being "the green one" -
Was that the "Roaring Glory" P-38 video? I have that one too, as well as a couple others in that series that he did.
That's much better! Woohoo. I'm sold.Good news! View attachment 84290
Oh Yeah! Now that's a developer who listen's to suggestions without getting upset. They have my money!That's much better! Woohoo. I'm sold.
dutria said:can we hope the version Lockheed P38 F-5B 1LO S / N 42-68223 LAC Number 2734L aircraft on which Antoine De Saint Exupéry was flying.
You would not lose control. See pages 47 and 53 of the PDF. Note, those page numbers are one digit off the actual page numbers. https://stephentaylorhistorian.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/p-38-flight-manual.pdfThis latest video is good. But I'm wondering about this notion that if you loose all hydraulic pressure you also loose all roll control. This might be true of the DC-10, put I'm not so sure about the P-38. If you lost HYD boost, would you loose all aileron control in the P-38 models that had HYD roll boost? I'm guessing not, but not 100% sure about that.
This latest video is good. But I'm wondering about this notion that if you loose all hydraulic pressure you also loose all roll control. This might be true of the DC-10, put I'm not so sure about the P-38. If you lost HYD boost, would you loose all aileron control in the P-38 models that had HYD roll boost? I'm guessing not, but not 100% sure about that.
Me too, I like the idea of flying a restored Lightning and don't want the gunsight bliocking my view. Good choice on their part IMO.
Can´t imagine a WWII warplane with no gunsight. No guns too? Hope buyers will have the choice of a proper gunsight and able to remove it just like the ones on Milviz Corsair and Dino's MB339. Then will buy it. No chance without gunsight. Better yet if they emulate firing the guns (Milviz Corsair). That will be stunning.
Beau, You are supposed to imagine it as a civilian rebuild.A famous bodybuilder who owns a popular gym here once had a P-38. I saw it in his hanger, I don't recall it having a gunsight.