P2 to P3


Charter Member
Hats off gents!!!!!...can't wait to check it out.....the P2 missions/add-ons........(Zepp, Biff, PD missions, etc.)....will they be workable in P3 or should we chuck 'em. No intent here I swear...just clearing the table for the banquet! No doubt there's a "read me" somewhere and if so....mea culpa. Thanks....gaw

I would imagine the release of Phase 3 will no doubt bring in tons of new possibilites for all new missions.

The Zep won't work in P3 as far as I know. Pol or Winder can answer that better though. I worked with Shred on the German datafiles and I saw nothing mentioned about the Zep. Since P3 is now a commercial venture, I would imagine it was removed for sincere, but obvious reasons.

All the best,

I see no reason the zepp wont work. Just pop it in your a/c folder. It worked in phase 1 and 2.
Save it and pop it in like any cfs-3 aircraft add-on.
I would have to believe that PD is correct, as even in

CFS 3, and MS Flight Simulator, you can add AC to the program files.


Well you cannot select them in campaign or the new QC - but you can switch to CFS3 mode in workshops if you really really must lol so you could use them in QC - 3rd party models in that setup are untested though so try it.

maybe there could be a Zeppelin added later hint hint hint :gossip:
The existing one is very good, however it will only be possible to fly it in Multiplay or missions, not campaign.

But imagine a career incorporating Zeppelins ! Meeting those giants flying for the Entente, or even fly one yourself on the german side of the mud :wave:

Maybe the creator of this one would receive a free copy of OFF BHAH, and then allow to ... or be paid ... or join the team ... only wishful thinking here, but ... this would be the only WW1 combat sim after the ancient RedBaron that has Zeppelins !!
