P3 pics... no combat report... WARNING... NOT FOR THE 'KRUMPET MENACE'!!! LOL!

Yes Gremlin, by all means, please do. But also, make sure you mention (as if it's not already on the pics) that this is 16bit, low graphic settings. the resolution is set high on my monitor and in OFF, but the graphic sliders are all down low except the planes, which are at 5, everything else is set to 1 or 2.

Maybe you can PM or ask Polovski to give you some better, official Hi-Res shots for your website as well. A little of both would be nice so all users can see what they will get at whatever level PC they have.

P3 was meant for everyone to play, not for everyone to be strapped into buying a NASA grade PC to run it. So if a user is on a tight budget, they can play P3 at a lower setting and look forward to the day that their budget allows they to upgrade. Then they can play it on a whole new level of realism. It also makes the game very replayable down the road.

I know once I uprade my set, all those games like BIA, Road to Hill 30, Call of Duty 2 and 4, will all be replayed from scratch. :)


Good God man.... that was hysterical!!! You pinned me perfectly!!!

Truthfully, I am deeply honored to have such a hysterical story told about my character Otto! You described exactly what he would have been like.

Thank you so much Gremlin.... I really needed that more than you can imagine.

No doubt, it's an honor for the whole team really. We've been working extra hard this past few weeks, myself not as much as I've had several annual family commitments, birthdays... etc.. in October, but I know the rest of the team has been working lot's of OT.

Phase 3 willl certainly be an attestment to that, and the good people we know in this community that have driven all of us to push our limits and create something we have all wanted for years.

From deep in my heart... thank you Gremlin, and thanks for tossing in some well needed humor. That movie poster is tops!! The woman screaming had me rolling on the floor.

All the best,

I had hoped you would like it. Yesterday evening I was in the mood to make something special ;)
Mine is
Pentium 4 3.6Ghz
Radeon X850 XT
Certainly not modern - about 3 years old. Runs it just fine, though if I was a little more savvy, I would have it tuned better. But the view Between Heaven and Hell is just great! Nothing like Makai's or Pol's or Bagger's, but pretty great.

AMD Athlon 3700+
2 Gig Ram
Nvidia 6600GT

Old as dust now, almost 4 years now. So unless your running a Pentium 3, I'm a case model for 'low end' compared to today's standards.


This may last for years

From all I've seen so far - movies and pics - this may well keep us away from washing the dishes for years - or at least until Phase 4.
I think, nobody should be afraid to miss the fine details on his/her computer. When the game will turn out as good as it looks so far, the poorer of us will just play it in lower res first, and learn how to survive; and save all the money we can, until we can tune up. And then, the game will be more fun again! :jump: Think positive! This will become the reference game for WW1; and IL2 STORMOVIK is still great after years now, isn't it? So, the only remaining problem will be: who washes the dishes...