P3 Poll - Please Vote....

Would you be able to download OFF P3 - 3 x 1.2GB files?

  • Yes

    Votes: 44 91.7%
  • No

    Votes: 4 8.3%

  • Total voters
If you did it as a torrent download, it should be possible for many, cause there wouldn't be no breakdown, and it could be downloaded over night.
I assume, it would take me 1,5 hours per 1.2 Gigabite file.
I'm not sure. I have good ADSL service, but I'm not sure I have a good enough download manager to get it done. I'll have to look and see if I've ever downloaded files of that size. :kilroy:
Please do not make it a torrent file! (thats about as bad as Megaupload!!) Make it a regular download (Filefront works great!) and in my opinion this is why, There will be a whole bunch of leechers and no seeders, so in the end it will take longer for everyone.. I have waited days for games over bittorrent, Utorrent, Demonoid, etc due to the non seeding problem.. (as soon as the game is 100% they just dont seed.. Its frustrating) Im sure many other people have different opinions and thats cool, Ive just seen the frustration with not having anybody seed and you want a game really bad..

Anyways if im going to get payware, i would like a hard copy... Just my 2 cents worth and im not meaning to offend anyone, whatever happens will happen and i for one am grateful ;) :friday: :ernae::amen:
Yes and No. If I really tried, I could do it, but I'm satisfied with Phase 2.

I don't see 4GB, holding me over, as it were.

As a former High Voltage Emergency Man, I only earned my keep once or twice a week. Yet I was paid all week, many of the Bosses took offense to that fact, and used to bust my shoes when ever they had the chance.

May they all get Cancer, and die a painful death. All save one, he was a particulary Nasty S.O.B., but in his heart, he thought he was doing the proper thing

I'll wait. . Thank You
yes I could.

I expect it would take some time and I guess my ISP would shape my service and slow the download rate whilst doing so even though the total would be within my allowed limits.
I would certianly be able to, but only with my Download Manager.
worth a try

Could try it overnight etc....
But if not I will wait for a hard copy.
May I suspect that there may be problems in distribution???
i can BUT it would take way too long. And of course i prefer the original disc with cover and case from the publisher!!Please tell me evering is ok with the publisher....!?:kilroy:
Realistically with my connection speed I would say no. Theoretically it would be possible. I am curious however, why you have posed the question, and the vote now OFF3 is due out 'Soon', or maybe it's not going to be that soon now?
I have voted no because i really would like the discs. If it was download or no phase 3, then I suppose I would download
But not if i had to use bitorrent or similar. - I don't want anyone trying to tell me how it is easy or troublefree etc,that torrent is - I'm not going to get involved in it.

I hope Winder, that the calls wondering why phase 3 is taking so long is not forcing you to consider download. I don't think you should come under such pressure. Stay with the commercial discs , it's only a matter of days!
The aggravation which can result from paid-for downloads which might get corrupted, you don't need. You've done enough for us creating the sim.
IMHO, guys will just have to be patient, and await the discs
If the arrangements for commercial production have gone awry, then why not fall back on plan A. Burn the discs off a list?
I know that will put me way back, because I've not pre ordered (lol) but I don't see why you need open yourself to the possible aggravation i have mentioned.
In the absence of any information to the contrary, we don't know how many days or weeks (I dread to think it could be months) before OFF3 is in our hands. The hints we were hearing before Christmas have dried up and that is left is speculation.
Daveebee, WE don't know when it will be available. So how the hell can we tell you? Grow up, hang on, we are trying to look at ALL possibilities. We have said when we have useful release info we'll tell you, how many times do we have to say this?
In fact we have a sim, we don't need to release at all, sounding more attractive day by day ;)

Would assume that if they go this route, it wont be on a torrent, or simple file download, cause it seems logical you are going to need a password or something after you have paid. Unless, of course, they decided they like us,,,and we all get it for free....
I can; and would as well. But I'd prefer the disk. We've all waited this long; and as mentioned above why deal with all the potential problems that could emanate from a large d/l?

i also voted no, it would take days for this, and only if it worked without crc or other errors. And i would really like the disks - i would not mind waiting a bit longer.
Anyway i hope the company you chose for distributing does not run into problems :faint:
So, all those who can't wait, can



