P3 Poll - Please Vote....

Would you be able to download OFF P3 - 3 x 1.2GB files?

  • Yes

    Votes: 44 91.7%
  • No

    Votes: 4 8.3%

  • Total voters
jsut an idea to assit if possable

perhaps those of us who have dvd image makeign ability can help out someway , i do have severle lightscribe burners and woudl be more than willign to assit how ever possbale:fish2: for ways to help the team for all there hard work
I agree with British_eh. If a download is available, I will use my GetRight download manager then burn an archive copy to DVDs. I have had outstanding success for huge file downloads like FS:SDOE installer that included both the latest versions of FS_WWI and SDOE - a 2.7Geg file. It took just over 6 hours via my RoadRunner HS service to complete.

If and when the OFF BHAH disc is ever released, I will purchase it with no regrets, just to have the commercally prepared jewel case with the beautifully designed disk label for a collector's item.

I know a good number of us share my opinion - I am just about to lose my patience waiting for the anointed Distributor to get his act together. But I am determined to maintain a cool attitude for now. I am so looking forward to taking to the skys in P3. But I am not going to lose any sleep worrying about it. My 2 cents...:amen:
I voted yes, but would prefer to wait for the actual discs, as i've had problems with large downloads before, so am naturally cautious in going down that road.

I also agree with fortiesboy on this, patience is a virtue, i'm quite happy to wait however long it takes for the disks. i appreciate that others on this forum have waited longer than me, but it must be far far more frustrating to the gang who have spent so long in creating P3 not to see it out in the big wide world as soon as possible. lets just stay calm & wait.

I'm sure almost everyone, being they are already on the internet, reading this would be able to download "P3", but the ones on "dialup" would have allot more difficulty with a download of that size. As I recall the "P2" download was a problem for many, including yourselves. Due to no reason being presented, most would probably vote yes just to get "P3".

So it's not clear why you are asking?
Since this seems to be a 'vote plus comment' thread, I'll join the chorus!

I voted "Yes" I can download those files, but I would still like the discs.

If it's an "either/or" choice, I vote for the discs!
Since this seems to be a 'vote plus comment' thread, I'll join the chorus!

I voted "Yes" I can download those files, but I would still like the discs.

If it's an "either/or" choice, I vote for the discs!

Roger, that.
I voted NO even though there is a slight chance I can D/L it. The reason for my vote is that on 3 seperate occasions using three different methods I tried D/Ling OFF P2 and could not get it to work properly. I had to get a disk sent to me in order to install. I have no problem waiting however long for the disk to be released. Like everyone else though, I will take P3 any way I can get it. As usual big thanks to the Dev team for their hard work.


Thanks guys keep em coming - rest assured we are working on sorting distribution - again - makes a change from 4 years of OFF development I guess.

Hey and we might even be able to announce a release date - soon ;).

I would like to have the hard disks.. If in the end it comes to a download, so be it!! But like previously stated.. everyone please Relax.. It will get here when it gets here.. :friday:


Blue 781
If it was a torrent file I'd vote no, as BitComet and all those torrent applications are blocked from our IT department. So yeah I'm thinking of number 1 first! haha

Any regular site I'd be able to use my Free Download Manager to get it done, might take a while but what the hell else do I have to do here?! So in that instance I'd say "yes".

Agh!!! I am a huge opponent to fence-sitting, yet here I find myself!! DOH!!!
Since this seems to be a 'vote plus comment' thread, I'll join the chorus!

I voted "Yes" I can download those files, but I would still like the discs.

If it's an "either/or" choice, I vote for the discs!

How I feel as well.
i voted yes but i'm not been satisfied if a person will post it on torrentz or other download centras it is disrespectful to them that worked 4 years on a game and only ask you to distribute it on a fair way.
I feel I must make a response to Polovski's post, I have not made any personal remarks against him or any other member of the developement team that justified him calling me 'childish. Fortiesboy, in his post said OFF3 ' It's only a matter of day's to the release of OFF3' It is worth pointing out that it could longer than this. I am surprised that at this stage,when OFF3 is supposed to be coming out 'soon', we have been asked to vote whether or not we would like to be able to download OFF3. I was told by Polovski to 'hang on', which of course I will. I do wonder why the download poll was not proposed at the end of the testing/error finding phase.
I could, with the slowest broadband connection in the UK!! I live out in the sticks. But I would obviously prefer a hard copy.
Happy Days,
I feel I must make a response to Polovski's post, I have not made any personal remarks against him or any other member of the developement team that justified him calling me 'childish. Fortiesboy, in his post said OFF3 ' It's only a matter of day's to the release of OFF3' It is worth pointing out that it could longer than this. I am surprised that at this stage,when OFF3 is supposed to be coming out 'soon', we have been asked to vote whether or not we would like to be able to download OFF3. I was told by Polovski to 'hang on', which of course I will. I do wonder why the download poll was not proposed at the end of the testing/error finding phase.

Well its quite simple Dave:

1) We have not announced a release date for OFF P3 yet - any info you read here is because we don't want you guys sitting and wondering - damned if we do and damned if we dont lol :wiggle:

2) Yes we have been "stuffed" around by our distributor - yes if you want something done properly do it yourself - but alas this is one part where we need to involve outsiders.

3) Given the many disappointed posts we have seen here recently we are looking into options and of course download is one option we can possibly look at until distribution arrives.....there is a lot of games on the net now sold as down loadable payware as we all know - up to 3Gb I have seen

4) Yes its not an either or scenario - Disks WILL be made and WILL be sold - we are just gauging what % of folks would want a payware download to possibly bring OFF to them sooner.

5) IF we decide to offer payware download it too will require setup time etc.

6) As soon as we know we will announce a release date - but so far as you all can see we will not announce a date based on what another outside company tells us - we don't work that way.

7) As soon as we know we will announce a release date so hang in there - we dont want to go silent......


8) Finally WE ARE NOT KEEN ON DOWNLOAD - never have been for payware - we want a disk and box.... the good old fashioned way :rapture:


Not either/or then..... Cool. I can wait then for my old-school copy. But as long as the Dev's are protected from piracy (reasonably, as there is no way to fully protect anything) and not getting screwed, the payable download option I'm sure would make many happy.
I want my copy sent to me on microdot and strapped to a pidgeon's leg , either that or morse code , thats alot of dots and dashes I know but what the heck .

I expect P3 will be ready in the fullness of time and the ripening of the moment , I can wait .

.-- . - .... . .-. . -.-- . -

Would prefer discs, as I'm changing my PC this year; a lovely OFF disc to cuddle at night - who could say no to that! That said, I'll take whatever the creators of this WOA ( work of art ) wish to offer the punters!:applause:




I am one of the ones who could download the large P3 set of files with DSL (high speed/200kb/sec).

British hit it on the head, as the way he describes is the way I buy most games if the option is offered (like over at Matrix Games, for example).

Anyone who is a gamer and does not have high speed internet (DSL or cable or even satellite) needs to get it right away. It's a fact of life--i.e., a requirement--in today's gaming environment of patches, mods (often far superior to the original games), and digital distribution.

I stayed off the forum for most of yesterday. It was just getting too depressing coming here day after day and no P3 and no word and just anger from the developers if you ask for an update--like you are insulting them or something which you are not--then the inevitable "this is a labor of love" post and "you're not fit to lick the soles of their boots" post (in a sort of shrill, John Cleese-like manner) from someone angry that you've even asked. It gets old. Daveebee, I'm with you.

But I am glad Winder posted this poll. A digital download option should have been offered from the start, as I've stated on here before (followed by the barrage of offended posts blasting me for having the temerity of suggesting it to people for whom this has been a labor (or labour) of love, etc.

Just my two cents: The developers have been building excitement about this sim for nearly a year now (i.e., I believe the website was established on or about 28 FEB 08), with updates, movies, screenshots, AARs, etc. and then seem to get mad when this actually works and people get excited about the release and wonder when it's coming. I don't get it. I think it's the developers who, for a change, ought to be thankful to us for being excited about the sim. For your sins your prayers have been answered.

Now I'm ready for the usual storm of protest--but more importantly, I'm ready for P3 to finally be released so I can get flying and not hanging around here!
Hi Winder, I thank you for your reply and I accept you have been as honest and straightforward as you can. As a matter of interest, I voted no on the poll as the question asked whether I COULD download,not, did I prefer to? A lot of the responses from other members seem to be indicating the they would like discs also. Certainly the the responses to the poll are very interesting.Thanks again for your candid reply to my post, and hope,as I am sure you do, that you can give us the news we have all been waiting for.