P3 Uncommon Glitches?



Firstly, thanks for such an amazing recreation of the era. Flying around has never been so much fun!

Oddly though, i've found on occasion that enemy flights (particularly Roland CII) appear to show the p2 "Underpowered" drop and crash of the entire flight onced engaged.

During mission reviews, I've also witnessed mutliple aicraft of a flight crashing in distant locations from my AOE for no apparent reason.

Has anyone else noticed this, or am I alone?

I just got the game and haven't seen that. The only unusual thing I noticed so far was a quick combat against a spad that was evading me and pulled up into a steep stall just above tree top level... and then hung there for about 15 seconds (I thought it had frozen) as I circled above... then I realized it was slowly going down like a helicopter, til finally it crashed tail first.

But then, I've seen biplanes do some pretty cool things at airshows, so maybe it's not really an impossible feat. In any case, it's a beautiful sim!

Actually, I've seen an RC biplane "prop hang," though wouldn't have thought a larger plane could really do that.
I've had my wingmen and squadmates kamikaze into the ground for no apparent reason on a few occasions.
I haven't seen that -what config slider settings do you have Jenkins? What CPU do you have?
I haven't seen that -what config slider settings do you have Jenkins? What CPU do you have?

Well, Rig consists of...

FX-60 (dual core) 2.6ghz
4 Gig ram
GTX 280 oc2edition
Running Windows XP sp2

Sliders intially I had were...
5 aircraft, 4 Terrain, 4 Scenery, 4 Effects, 5 Clouds

I've been using now...
5, 3, 3, 3, 4 (as large front battles/barrages ground objects do some nasty work to my fps for unknown reasons. I'm assuming its cpu speed?
(Even tried 2's across the board thinking ai was being affected, no luck. Using lower resolutions did not improve fps, which range generally from 12-35)

Also; flying a french campaign with Esc 103 April 1916, observed a flight of 3 sopwith pups flying wild circles over no mans land (in no apparent danger) enroute on a long patrol. Later during mission review, noted all three crashed. Not sure if they took ground fire or not but I'm getting an ever increasing amount of flights flying into the ground.

Flying with 1 RFC, April 1917, came upon 8+ AlbDIII(160) swirling around in what I thought was a dogfight, was all DIII's. At some point I decided it a good idea to attack them alone in N17. Engaged and destroyed 1 DIII amidst the others who took no action agaisnt me (2 mins or so?) Flew away safely, DIIIs magnificently thrasing about the sky.

Installed by inserting CFS3 disc 1 and letting OFF:BHAH extract necc. files. Installed great, no other problems. I'm assuming its the correct vers of cfs3 (@ 3.1); exe on cfs3 disc under properties was vers. 3.1.______. (would install have worked otherwise???)

I'm may try a fresh install.
Fully install cfs3, patch to 3.1a, then OFF:BHAH?

Thanks much!
LOL Jenkins. Thats what happens if you get P3 before me mwahahahaha!! :costumes:

About the processor thingy..
I have heard that CFS3 uses only the one core. So my P4 3.2 GhZ (O/C from 3) single core is better than your 2.6 Dual.
BUT it is still a very good processor.
And Hell I really think that your current installation is cursed or something :costumes:
LOL Jenkins. Thats what happens if you get P3 before me mwahahahaha!! :costumes:

About the processor thingy..
I have heard that CFS3 uses only the one core. So my P4 3.2 GhZ (O/C from 3) single core is better than your 2.6 Dual.
BUT it is still a very good processor.
And Hell I really think that your current installation is cursed or something :costumes:

Yes those two 2.6's are getting outdated. I JUST Put the gtx280 in there thinking that would let me run p3 hands down; I was wrooooong. I'll update this summer Perhaps.

Hope p3 finds you soon. My lead pilot has almost 7 hours under his belt. w00t.
Jenkins said:
Hope p3 finds you soon. My lead pilot has almost 7 hours under his belt. w00t.
Hmpf...I hope he dies by friendly artillery *ahem* I mean...I hope he dies honourably in an epic dogfight *doh*! Or survive..(YEAH RIGHT :faint:). Not Jealous :p:.
Did you fix your problem by the way?
I'm at work for now. I may tinker with it tonight. I'm assuming a fresh install will be suggested COA.

I've already lost 4 pilots! My frenchman seems to have enough luck thus far. Ten more hours:isadizzy:.


What type of career/squadron will you join first? Any particular?
(Jastas, Esc. RFC #.?)

Odd Jenkins, obviously if some craft linger over ground fire they will go down eventually. For an experiment put your sliders on full instead (may run slowly but AI may boost).

You did run the 1.1 update patch btw ?
Odd Jenkins, obviously if some craft linger over ground fire they will go down eventually. For an experiment put your sliders on full instead (may run slowly but AI may boost).

You did run the 1.1 update patch btw ?

Yes; ran 1.1 patch before i fired it up for first time.

I will try maxing up the sliders and see how that goes.
I just want to be clear; when reading the instructions during the OFF p3 setup process, it said you could use your cfs3 disc if it were 3.1 or 3.1a correct? I'm 99% sure mine is 3.1. Just cking. (what does 3.1a change?)

Thanks for the help pol; i'll keep you posted.
Correct Jenkins, maybe check in workshops you have version 1.1 (bottom right).
I had friendly AI fly to an area where they circled and eventially all flew into the ground. I have only experienced this twice and both times it was in the French mission where the message appears that you were supposed to escort bombers, but they are all grounded...your commander still wants you to complete the mission, but you are to escort your wingman who now has a camera and is to photo enemy lines. In all other missions I have tried, the AI (enemy and friendly) acted reasonably. |

Workshop shows version 1.1, though I have not tried with the sliders on full.
I can never seem to keep my squadmates with me. I will be flying in formation with them and for some reason they turn off the flightpath before the waypoint. I had a few turn off the flightpath, circle and then fly into the ground, nowhere near enemy territory. Is there engine failure or airplane malfunctions programmed into the game now? I also had one squadmate keep wanting to go god knows where way the heck away behind enemy lines nowhere near our flightpath. I have noticed this flying for all nationalities, though the least flying for germany. Showing up everywhere alone has not been good for my health (hence the experience flying every nationality; lot of dead pilots).


Here are my AI observations:

1. In the 2 ground attack missions I've tried, the AI did not attack the target given in the breifing. First in my French campaign it was a railyard just on the other side of no-mans-land, and instead of attacking it my nieuport leader decided to rocket the trenches and get shot to pieces. The other time was in my 148th US camel campaign, where the ai leader decided to attack the wrong airfield.

2. The AI doesn't seem to be doing to well for me. I was doing a Roland campaign, and the first mission was a scramble.. I started with two wingmen, looked up and saw at least 8 scouts and three nieuports, one of which was flown by albert ball. Right after I took off, I heard the gunner fired, and turned around to see Albert Ball streak past me and plant himself in the dirt. My gunner had hit him with maybe 3-6 bullets. He may have gotten extremely lucky and broken a control cable, but it seems odd. Then, all the scouts did nothing except circle around over the airbase. How well does the AI handle their side-firing gun? One of the other ace nieuports, flown by William Maye Fry, I think his name was, was unable to attack my underpowered roland on the deck. He did get two hits in one of my wings as he streaked past me, but never made a serious effort to get on my tail, instead climbing and circling. My gunner eventually picked him apart.
Here are my AI observations:

1. In the 2 ground attack missions I've tried, the AI did not attack the target given in the breifing. First in my French campaign it was a railyard just on the other side of no-mans-land, and instead of attacking it my nieuport leader decided to rocket the trenches and get shot to pieces. The other time was in my 148th US camel campaign, where the ai leader decided to attack the wrong airfield.

2. The AI doesn't seem to be doing to well for me. I was doing a Roland campaign, and the first mission was a scramble.. I started with two wingmen, looked up and saw at least 8 scouts and three nieuports, one of which was flown by albert ball. Right after I took off, I heard the gunner fired, and turned around to see Albert Ball streak past me and plant himself in the dirt. My gunner had hit him with maybe 3-6 bullets. He may have gotten extremely lucky and broken a control cable, but it seems odd. Then, all the scouts did nothing except circle around over the airbase. How well does the AI handle their side-firing gun? One of the other ace nieuports, flown by William Maye Fry, I think his name was, was unable to attack my underpowered roland on the deck. He did get two hits in one of my wings as he streaked past me, but never made a serious effort to get on my tail, instead climbing and circling. My gunner eventually picked him apart.

Remember as in real life you have a variety of opponents with differing skills - we have set the skill as accurately as we can according to the actual squadrons actual skill rating historically.

Basically every opponent you face is from a historically correct squadron located in the theater as they were way back when and with the craft and skill that they historically had OFF P3 does NOT USE RANDOM SPAWNS!.

So poor enemy squads will have rookies - good enemy squads will have vets and then there are Aces.
Most Aces did not survive the war.... the fact that Albert Ball died as he did in your mission is not unrealistic (although he will survive that crash and only leave the game when he did in real life - he came out of a cloud inverted and crashed)
Imagine if you saw that - Albert Ball flying inverted into the ground in OFF - you would say Ace AI in OFF is poor.....but it happened

Fly more and Enjoy the immersion - sooner or later you will meet your match!


polecat0942 said:
I can never seem to keep my squadmates with me. I will be flying in formation with them and for some reason they turn off the flightpath before the waypoint. I had a few turn off the flightpath, circle and then fly into the ground, nowhere near enemy territory. Is there engine failure or airplane malfunctions programmed into the game now? I also had one squadmate keep wanting to go god knows where way the heck away behind enemy lines nowhere near our flightpath. I have noticed this flying for all nationalities, though the least flying for germany. Showing up everywhere alone has not been good for my health (hence the experience flying every nationality; lot of dead pilots).
I ve had a similar problem with P2. When you take off, make sure you dont climb very steeply and lose too much airspeed in the process. If you are going too slow(in general, but this happens while climbing more often), the wingmen are going to stop following you and head in any other direction to pick flowers or somthing..
I ve had a similar problem with P2. When you take off, make sure you dont climb very steeply and lose too much airspeed in the process. If you are going too slow(in general, but this happens while climbing more often), the wingmen are going to stop following you and head in any other direction to pick flowers or somthing..

Should not happen in P3 but we are taking every bit of feedback on these forums re P3 and investigating!


Hi Guys,

Also please note whether you are leading or following a leader before you fly!

If you are not leader (you can select always lead in the workshops) then the AI leader will circle your field 2 - 3 times allowing you to identify your flight and form up - then they will head out to the target/mission objective.

You position in the flight is determined by rank - but in the Workshops you can select that you always lead.

