P3 Uncommon Glitches?

Hi Guys,

Also please note whether you are leading or following a leader before you fly!

If you are not leader (you can select always lead in the workshops) then the AI leader will circle your field 2 - 3 times allowing you to identify your flight and form up - then they will head out to the target/mission objective.

You position in the flight is determined by rank - but in the Workshops you can select that you always lead.



I really enjoy this feature. At first I wasn't sure if I liked it but I feel it does alot for the immersion; making you more a part of the squadron. Personally, it frees me up from tedious map cks to ensure the flight is on route, giving my full attention to scanning the skies. Quick glance; to eyeball your leader/wingers and back to scanning.

Waypoints will actually update as the Flight lead reaches them, not the player. In this way you meet your objectives w/o having to use map/such.

Winder: I tend to use the By Rank setting, with the exception of one pilot who's squadron quality is poor, I prefer to lead. Thus my observations are made in the knowledge that Ai is coordinating flightpath.

I haven't personally experienced issues with flight members wandering far, but will note if I do. All in all I'm having a great time in the air. Thank you and OBD team for seeing OFF to P3.


Edit: Also still having problem with my aircraft flipping hard g's, dropping ooc when flying through some clouds. Taken several pilots so far.
I really enjoy this feature. At first I wasn't sure if I liked it but I feel it does alot for the immersion; making you more a part of the squadron. Personally, it frees me up from tedious map cks to ensure the flight is on route, giving my full attention to scanning the skies. Quick glance; to eyeball your leader/wingers and back to scanning.

Waypoints will actually update as the Flight lead reaches them, not the player. In this way you meet your objectives w/o having to use map/such.

Winder: I tend to use the By Rank setting, with the exception of one pilot who's squadron quality is poor, I prefer to lead. Thus my observations are made in the knowledge that Ai is coordinating flightpath.

I haven't personally experienced issues with flight members wandering far, but will note if I do. All in all I'm having a great time in the air. Thank you and OBD team for seeing OFF to P3.


Edit: Also still having problem with my aircraft flipping hard g's, dropping ooc when flying through some clouds. Taken several pilots so far.

Avoid clouds - fly around them - we are talking WW1 crates here - remember Albert Ball....

Clouds were more deadly than Anti Aircraft batteries back then :faint:
I've noticed this quirk too. Several times I'll be following my flight then, just as we reach our destination waypoint, the rest of my guys will veer off at a 90 degree angle for a while, then fly in a huge circle until one by one they all explode on the ground. Bummer.

I'm never the leader, but I continue on and try to complete the mission. Once there were three of us on a balloon busting mission. Just as we arrived at the balloon and started to descend, the other guys turned right 90 degrees and took off in that direction. I went in and took out the balloon alone, then headed for home. Before I could get home I got the "MISSION FAILED" message at the top of the screen -- even though I had fulfilled the mission. My two guys had gone off and just crashed somewhere. REAL BUMMER.

I'm flying for the french and am not the leader. All sliders are at 2 except clouds at 1. (These were the defaults so I left them there.) Resolution is 1920x1200 and 16:10 ratio. PC is 3.0 GHz, 4 MB RAM, ATI X850 (256 MB) with the custom settings tweaked as per the suggestion in the FAQ about ATI cards (it completely eliminated the stuttering frame rate).

But the sim is a gas and I love it. Thanks guys.
I've noticed this quirk too. Several times I'll be following my flight then, just as we reach our destination waypoint, the rest of my guys will veer off at a 90 degree angle for a while, then fly in a huge circle until one by one they all explode on the ground. Bummer.

I'm never the leader, but I continue on and try to complete the mission. Once there were three of us on a balloon busting mission. Just as we arrived at the balloon and started to descend, the other guys turned right 90 degrees and took off in that direction. I went in and took out the balloon alone, then headed for home. Before I could get home I got the "MISSION FAILED" message at the top of the screen -- even though I had fulfilled the mission. My two guys had gone off and just crashed somewhere. REAL BUMMER.

I'm flying for the french and am not the leader. All sliders are at 2 except clouds at 1. (These were the defaults so I left them there.) Resolution is 1920x1200 and 16:10 ratio. PC is 3.0 GHz, 4 MB RAM, ATI X850 (256 MB) with the custom settings tweaked as per the suggestion in the FAQ about ATI cards (it completely eliminated the stuttering frame rate).

But the sim is a gas and I love it. Thanks guys.


Yes we are seeing more reports of this than we care to see....at least 3...

We are looking into this as a priority - problem we have is seemingly not everyone sees it - we have tested for a long time.

It could be specific aircraft related...but we are working on it.


Also BaronMybuns please make sure you patched to 1.1 if you haven't this will help in some cases. Other than that switch to "Always Lead" in workshops as per the FAQ if it bugs you for now.
I may fraps some clips when I see oddities in OFF, youtube and post links. That may help you guys more than my testimony.
Jenkins thanks but it wouldn't really help us to have youtube videos all over with glitches.
Best just to ask first if we need to see it?
Jenkins thanks but it wouldn't really help us to have youtube videos all over with glitches.
Best just to ask first if we need to see it?

Sometimes my thought process stops before it starts; doubly so when I haven't had coffee.
Usually best if i don't speak at all.
Just like BaronMyBuns, I see this on balloon busting missions and on some ground attack missions. I also play by rank. Another oddity I noticed during all of this: in a balloon busting mission, as we were approaching the waypoint, 5nm out, all the aircraft broke either right or left and started circling. I followed them for a while but broke for waypoint when I noticed absolutley no rhyme or reason to anything they were doing. When I got to waypoint, I spotted a balloon but before I could even fire at it, it exploded (no one around but me). So I proceeded to attack ground units in the area. After basically getting nowhere and waypoint not updating (think it was a loiter waypoint) I decided to hit warp and see if I could speed things up. when I came out of warp, I was back in formation, 5nm out from same waypoint, and again all squadmates were breaking left and right and started circling. Followed them again and again no rhyme or reason to what they were doing. Hit "x" to warp again. Dejavu. Same exact scenario. As many times as I hit the warp, thats how many times I came back to 5nm out with squadmates breaking and circling. This scenario happened while flying British, American, and German, so I don't think its really plane specific, at least not in my case. For me, it happens every balloon busting mission. I originally had sliders at 5 overall, 5 aircraft, 4 scenery, 4 terrain, 5 effects, and 3 clouds. After getting bad FPS near ground (not horrible but annoying) I switched to 4,5,3,3,4,3. Had same scenarios at both settings.

I am running 1.1 patch and will try taking lead always and see what happens. I hope this is not construed as complaining, I am simply giving as detailed an account as possible for Devs to be able to debug or troubleshoot for future updates if possible. Even if none of this gets fixed, I am having a blast playing BHAH and still believe it to be a great work and worth the money.

Hope it helps,


PS I know this was talked about in another thread, but I can't seem to remember which and never seen if it was resolved. I also do not see any bullet holes, minor damage at normal (not High Res) settings. I do see structural damage like missing wingtips, but no bulletholes, progressive damage.
Thanks polecat no worries, yep we are working on tweaking the navigation and targeting for AI when you are not the leader. Report is good thanks.

This feature was not available in CFS3 (as per the FAQ) and we have found a way to improve things which we are currently doing :)

The other issue we have no solution for you, as no one here sees it - it could be video memory related,or graphics card/video settings try knocking terrain and scenery down 1 and try again?
Also could be some odd cfs3config setting, did you change anything from default? Have you looked into your display settings?
Yes, I too hope that you understand I'm just reporting, not complaining. I appreciate the feedback and am having a blast!

One other note. On some of these missions where I've had problems I am unable to advance the waypoint. I'll press SHIFT+W which should make the little radar screen switch to the next waypoint, but sometimes it does not.
I just want to add something in. Definately not complaining, just pointing something out that might be looked at, or there's something wrong with my install.

I was doing a campaign with Jasta 2 starting on september 8, 1916. The first mission, a small patrol over enemy lines, everything went fine. On the second one, flight 1 consisted of some aces and two halb d.ii, and my flight consisted of three halb d.ii. After takeoff, one of the ace flight halb's started circling really low to the ground and plowed into it. Everything went right for my flight. Watching the mission replay, I saw the game confirm that that halb had crashed right by our field. But there was no mention of it in any debriefings, and no pilot was missing or injured in the duty room.

The third mission consisted of seven halb's patroling behind enemy lines. After a normal (from what I could see) take-off, I watched as three of the Halberstadt's hit the ground. It's not as if they veer down or anything. I'm usually up at around 800-1000 ft, and you can tell wich ones are going to crash, as they are just skimming the ground in circles. My rank is unteroffizier, in case that helps.

Second, in every campaign I've done thusfar, the AI does not keep formation. For instance, when the flight leader is climbing, I can stay with him just fine, but the AI are wallowing around a few thousand feet below him for a long time before they catch up, and when they do, they veer around and circle the leader instead of following him. Formation is set to tightest in the workshop.

These 2 cases are the only times I've seen that P2 bug, so it might have something to do with the halberstadt or the airfield, bettingcourt or something like that. I'm going to try and reinstall everything, as when I installed it the first time, I was surprised to find cfs3 still on my hard drive, and just used it. Maybe there was something wrong that's causing my AI problems. Everything else about P3 is working perfectly.
well, after reinstalling, I set up another career with the same sqdn and time, and took off on a patrol mission with 7 Halb's. I only played about ten minutes, but nobody crashed and everyone was staying in formation. I think things are fixed. I think before, I only had 3.1a installed, and forgot to run the first CFS update, 3.1. I'll post if I see the problem again.

Anqui thanks interesting re patching to 3.1 or not no idea why that would help but glad it's better for you.

For the moment we don't need any more reports now we are already working on improving AI navigation when in the new "by Rank" mode as we speak, we like this mode as it gives the player the chance to fly in formation behind a leader etc. BUT as per FAQ if flying "by Rank" (i.e. not always leader) you may see issues like this and the workaround via workshop settings, is to set it as per P2 and fly "Always Lead" for the moment.

1.2) Game Play Hints
Well I got P3 last night and I had time to install and fly a couple of missions in my trusty Nieuport 11. To early to give a report as most of the time was resetting all my view and game controls. I did however have a problem that has been mentioned, so I thought I'd add my name to list of people that are having the flight diverts from the flight path and just heads off across country problem. Had an Airfield Attack mission. Was flying "lead by rank". Everything was fine until about 5 miles from the target the flight leader and my wingman (just a flight of 3) turned off about 90 degrees and headed cross county. After about 3 or 4 minutes I turned back and completed the mission. I know the fix is currently to fly "always lead" and I will just wanted to add to the data base.

thanks Scott glad you are running, we do not need any reports now thanks though.
I just got the game and haven't seen that. The only unusual thing I noticed so far was a quick combat against a spad that was evading me and pulled up into a steep stall just above tree top level... and then hung there for about 15 seconds (I thought it had frozen) as I circled above... then I realized it was slowly going down like a helicopter, til finally it crashed tail first.

But then, I've seen biplanes do some pretty cool things at airshows, so maybe it's not really an impossible feat. In any case, it's a beautiful sim!

Actually, I've seen an RC biplane "prop hang," though wouldn't have thought a larger plane could really do that.

Real Fokker D7's can hang on the prop, but not vertically. There is a little forward motion.