P3D V2 Carrier Ops? (Question for Dino?)

Copy of my work in progress http://z13.invisionfree.com/Flying_Stations/index.php?showtopic=367 any feedback appreciated. Plus questions on how it works as I've probably forgotten to mention something important...

Just tried it out. Definitely have feedback for you, not everything worked for me the way I imagine it should - but that said, I'm not sure we want to derail this P3D thread any further than it already is! As such, I'm tossing feedback into a pm for you.
Quick update... I was unable to install AiCarriers2 in P3Dv2 - I don't know if it is impossible, or there is just a parameter I have to set or what.
But... here are two poor images of cool things - Javier's Nimitz imported in P3Dv2 casts shadows on aircrafts (including VC) and on itself (actually you can see deck crew casting shadows too).
Finally, a modern graphics engine.

View attachment 502 View attachment 503

Fan-ta-stic !!
Thank you so much for these screens, Dino !
Launching AiCarriers separately WORKS PERFECTLY with P3Dv2!
So I guess my issue was in the installation in P3Dv2...
Anyway it works perfectly - the only complaint is that the legacy wake effect for the carrier clashes a bit with the new 3D waves....


Would I be right in thinking that all the shadows I've spent hours rendering onto my new carrier are effectively redundant in V2?

If so I may do a V2 version that varies the aircraft in the deck park depending on the month or some other suitable variable.
Gosh those shadows are really something.... whether the cockpit shadows or the scenery falling on other scenery, it really elevates the visuals to a whole other level.

Good to know that AI Carriers still functions well.

As for "baked" shadows being redundant...well, it depends.
Javier's Nimitz has a certain amount of "soft" baked shadowing that works pretty well by itself, and looks really well with P3D shadows, too.
If your baked shadows are "hard" (I mean, very sharp contours, very dark areas) you may want to tone them down a little.
Also - scenery self-shadowing comes at a price in terms of frames-per-second...
So Dino, do you think that the creators of AICarriers will be able to modify that program to work with the new P3D version? NC
Make that "creator" as in one man, Lamont Clark, and he hasn't been active in FS for quite a while. I wouldn't expect anything.

Good to hear that AICarries does still work. Won't have to rewrite the Enterprise manual. :) And SDB has other carriers in the works.
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It sure would be nice to get AVT-16, USS Lexington.

I have a piece of the flight deck in lucite that I got when it was decommissioned in Pensacola.

Most of the public doesn't realize the flight deck was wood.

It sure would be nice to get AVT-16, USS Lexington.

I have a piece of the flight deck in lucite that I got when it was decommissioned in Pensacola.

Most of the public doesn't realize the flight deck was wood.


I was working at Saufley Field as an Exam Writer at that time, and living at Corry ( then on NAS later).

Although I missed the decommissioning of the USS Lexington, my most prized possession was given to me by my uncle, the late Robert O. Jackson, SR., Capt., USNR, (Ret.). It was a Tompion for one of the USS Indiana BB-58 deck guns, made into a small end table. NC