P3d v3


Charter Member
According to AirDailyX p3dv3 is close to release. So close that some developers have received their keys. No news on changes from v2 yet but can always hope for 64bit.
Really, I didn't think it would be here until next year. And to think, I just got 2.5 back up and running from 2.4. :banghead:
There is a thread at AVSIM which that topic too:
The member skywolf has found some hints in a FSUIPC log.

Interesting statement by Jon Venema (ORBX)...

"We are testing V3 at present and have yet to make any formal announcement about whether we'll charge for V3 installers. My original comments were made well before V3 went to beta and was mostly based on the new version being a major architectural change. It's not, being more like a v2.6 truth be told."

That part in bold is interesting... more like v2.6.


I did a re-install last week with the latest patch of 2.5. I'll be running in system "lite" mode until the new version is released.

Sure would be nice to see 64 bit, but I guess we'll have to wait and see. Some of the blogs have hinted at it, but I've seen no clear statement to that fact yet.
Same here... only a few items installed, that being global base pack, ASN, and A2A C182 that are for P3Dv2.5. Additional scenery linked to is FranceVFR Corsica with autogen. That's it until V3 arrives.
I´m one of those who might not update and stay with 2.5. I´m tired of updating. Its great with a sim that is being updated and worked on, but 2 - 3 times a year is far out. I´m a flight simmer and not an install simmer.
The financial threat of upgrading products is what worries me, but then I think to myself - this sim i now have is streets ahead of what it used to be . I'm happy with it and happy to keep it as it is, if necessary. :untroubled:
What happened to many, including myself, you can read out of this thread:

V2.5 lite install, very few addons, waiting for something else (maybe Godot)

I Never liked FSX box. I always had some kind of trouble, so I went to P3D. Now that FSX SE is out, I have my doubts. Steamfsx hasnt given me any problems so far. Its a bit faster than P3D and accepts more fsx addons, P3D looks slightly better. Thats just my opinions and maybe in the wrong place. (dont kill me please:ernaehrung004:)

I still like and use P3D but I dont know for how long. I dont like upgrades with all the install issues like it was with V2.5 and at the same time many devellopers ONLY support newest version.
n4gix - I agree... it is defintely a step forward. Although I see why some people will consider that an evolution of P3Dv2 rather than the revolution some are waiting for.
Thing is... once it is is out, I will most likely unistall 2.5 - as the new version is surely superior.
JV has some of his own "filters" that affect his perception. There are a lot of new features and huge improvements that cannot be talked about yet. :encouragement:

Thanks for clarifying with your comments at AVSIM. Between Rob and you, I'm looking forward to P3Dv3.0!
n4gix - I agree... it is defintely a step forward. Although I see why some people will consider that an evolution of P3Dv2 rather than the revolution some are waiting for.
Thing is... once it is is out, I will most likely unistall 2.5 - as the new version is surely superior.

I will certainly do the same because you are an extremely talented AC designer and the statement you made I consider to be an excellent way to go and some very reliable information . A lot of people will approach it this way and others won't . Lockheed Martin is extremely fortunate to have you , n4gix and many , many more talented beta testers to put the finishing touches on a most anticipated product . really looking forward to this .

Thanks - hopefully we can more openly in few days.
Not a revolution. No major architectural changes. But definitely an improvement, and with a couple of features which I really like (one in particular is a lot of fun IMHO).
Hey Dino, a few more statements like that and we'll start to gnaw on your leg :)

I'm happy with whatever will come by, every version had it's highlights so far. As I'm going win10 one of these days I'll stick with GMANs strategy, keep it as light as possible so the switch over will be painless.
