P3Dv3.1 before end of year!

Thanks for the info!!!
P3Dv3 is realy great.
-Nice performance
-Nice graphic
-No or less OOMs
And a very active developement team:)
Updates are usually a good thing, but with P3D it some times means that you have to buy the product again, so I have just asked that question at the LM forum.

Best regards
Kim Dahl
Till now you "only" had to pay for the move from v1 to v2 and/or v3. Pretty much the same as the move from FS09 to FSX...
Even though the difference between the P3D-versions don't seem to be that big, than in the old days:(
I don't really like this very short update interval, most addons are not even made V3 compatible before the new version is coming... It must be a real pain in the a** for the developers and maybe a reason for many to not support P3D..

In my view it is better with bigger updates with more time spacing than all these small updates which tend to change every setup there is in the sim and how addons interact.
It depends what they fixed and what features are impacted.
Let's not forget that for 95% of the addons, the only required changes to make it P3Dv3 compatible is to change the install path in the installer program...
Of course, the "complex" addons might need some more adjustments, but only some of them...
I prefer the frequent updates from LM.
Then we have different opinions. My experience is that almost all of the more complex addon ons I have did NOT work/ did have serious problems with features with V3. And most of them are still not updated by the developers. Of course most of the not so advanced aircraft can easily be swapped over, but not so easy on most of the more complex scenery/terrain add ons. And with V3.1 coming out before even most addons have got V3 compatibility, the problem is only becoming bigger and bigger. On my part I'm soon using more time trying to get the addons back working than flying because of all this. In the end it can break the linkage between FSX and P3D addons and I think that will really hurt the P3D community as it is probably not the main marked for most developers. I have seen many developers venting a lot of frustration about this on forums over the last months.
The "solution" to your issue is simple; don't install v3.1 until your favorite product is updated if such is required. :ernaehrung004:
The "solution" to your issue is simple; don't install v3.1 until your favorite product is updated if such is required. :ernaehrung004:

You´re wrong. Before many addons will be updated, we´ll be in P3Dv4 with nothing working well in any version of P3D.
I totally agree with JensOle and its the reason I jumped off the wagon. And I´m far from being the only one.
It's a mixed bag.

It is absolutely mandatory that developers work in the most current package. I've been dealing with it since the first release, and granted it's a PITA but one of the inconveniences that are accepted as "cost of business".

Also bear in mind that it's not just P3D. Now there are three platforms with the addition of FSX ST that has it's own evolution curve looming.

I have the advantage of being able to devote full time attention to sim related work, and have developed a work flow that allows for the inherent lag as peripherals are updated. Agreed, it's not easy and my wife has learned to tolerate the occasional sim induced Tourette.

I'll jump into V3.1...I've done over three dozen installs of P3D to date...and make adjustments on the fly. No pun....

For me personally, the cost benefit still justifies the extra effort, but obviously, may not be for everyone.
Will P3d water textures be replaced if Orbx Global is installed?

No, just land textures are modified
Whilst on the subject what is the name of the water textures ?
I would like to backup the originals before experimenting . I have to say that I found the original (V3) textures to be all round ok and acceptable but improvable .