P51d 440mph at 30.000ft Interested ?

Consensus on Flight Models

I'm watching. isn't free speech and freedom to chose great !!! i'm looking for the big picture concensus on all the flight models.we lose alot of people because as posted "the flight models suck".
if more members want to stay with the status quo, going by TAS(Z button) we'll stay that way. if more members want to go by IAS,(cockpit gauges)then we'll change.do we want more new players and participants that can fly the way they expected to.or lose people because of the bigest complaint, fm's. i'm sending two carrier plane models for testing and will wait for that opnion. but please keep posting i'd like to hear from everyone before anything is decided.

I hope that my comments are taken as opinion and non-combative. The issue with many of CFS3's flight models earning the mark of "suck" has often to do with the quality of the other sims folks are use to. IL2 for instance has long been an arcade game with little attention to realistic flight characteristics, especially for altitudes above 3500 meters. Just visit some of the sites that are now trying to create accurate flightmodels. The Thirdwire sims again are well arcade style too. Some of the newer jet sims are good, but most of what we have to compare to are more interested in playability and not simulating how difficult it was to fly these planes well let alone score kills.

Consensus is fine if you are all about pleasing people who all have their own perception of what is and how easy I want it to be. Don't misunderstand making a very realistic sim would be unpopular since it would mean trying to fly planes that were many times nothing like the propaganda machines said they were.

Tests on the planes were usually conducted on special pre-production versions, with 25% fuel, no ammo, or by special test pilots, and such not very realistic at all. Brown's book on German aircraft is an illustration of that. The Ju88 G6 he flew had a top speed of over 660 kph at 6250 meters, that far exceeded the published German figures. While the Do 217 or He 177 both flew slower than what the German's said. For the most part WW2 planes were not high performers, were rushed into battle, and really did not perform as the manufactures said they would.

All I ask is that whatever you do please leave my planes alone and do not mod the flightmodels because they are too difficult to take off, don't fly as an arcade piece or don't have the armament you want.

Just my two cents worth and in this world today isn't worth very much. :kilroy: