Patch 1.2?



Was wondering what the status was. The thread hasn't been updated for four days.

Four days?

OMG maybe they have run off with all the millions!!


Relax....all issues are fixed if you read the thread ....and we are testing

We actually tell you guys too much info - other devs simply say nothing - but believe me we are heading the same way

muwahahahahha - nuts!

Four days?

OMG maybe they have run off with all the millions!!


Relax....all issues are fixed if you read the thread ....and we are testing

We actually tell you guys too much info - other devs simply say nothing - but believe me we are heading the same way

muwahahahahha - nuts!


Why the bitterness mate? There has been around 85% pure unbridled approbation on this forum, 10% constructive criticism and 5% outright complaints (and most of those against the delayed delivery, not the game itself).

How good do you want it? :icon_lol:
Why the bitterness mate? There has been around 85% pure unbridled approbation on this forum, 10% constructive criticism and 5% outright complaints (and most of those against the delayed delivery, not the game itself).

How good do you want it? :icon_lol:


Wish I knew. Seems if you post anything on this board that isn't "OMG you guys are great and the best thing that's ever happened" then you either get a wise ass answer or out and out flamed for it. All I did was ask a simple question and this is what I get, in addition to the smart ass update in the sticky thread. I'm thinking PR is not OBD's strong suit.


Wish I knew. Seems if you post anything on this board that isn't "OMG you guys are great and the best thing that's ever happened" then you either get a wise ass answer or out and out flamed for it. All I did was ask a simple question and this is what I get, in addition to the smart ass update in the sticky thread. I'm thinking PR is not OBD's strong suit.


Can't really agree with that I'm afraid. Human nature aside (the occasional spontaneous "Oh...feck off!" :icon_lol: ) the devs have been here constantly fielding all and any issues, and in a most clear and concise manner. Sure, as with anything and anybody, nothing's 100% perfect. But I go by the overall picture, and here it's pretty bloody good. In my personal opinion.

Devs are allowed to get ratty too, even for something not readily apparent to anyone else, even for nothing more than they got out of bed the wrong side. But 90% + and 10% -? That goes with the quality of their masterpiece funnily enough. :)

And no, I ain't no 'fan boi'. I'm the hardest nastiest slagger of any game or dev team that gets up my nose. But for a reason. Here I see no reason. Quite the opposite, as outlined above.
A problem of conversation on a forum is, that we don't see each other. So a lot goes lost - we don't know how serious or humorous a sentence may have been meant. We don't see, if the other is happily awake, or damn tired.
OvS said some time ago, that he doesn't like conversation in this written form, and now I can understand.

My personla oppinion to this: we shouldn't make up too much negativity (?) of a line, a sentence, an answer here.
Dammit, after all we're all into the same enthusiasm about this sim, right?

Oh, I forgot: :amen:
I know from my own experience that if I recieve nine compliments and one criticism of a piece of work my mind will immediately focus on the criticism. It's not until upon considered reflection that I'll be able to put the criticism in it's proper perspective.

Times the above by ten and the criticism will start to weigh significantly and somebody's liable to get a slap. :icon_lol:
Four days?

OMG maybe they have run off with all the millions!!


muwahahahahha - nuts!


Lol......we know you had to be smiling when you typed that in.

It may have been a legitimate concern. Hadn't heard from you in 96 hours and was justifiably worried that perhaps you'd died from lack of sleep.


Cheers Mate,

You Boys really should have been here for the "upcoming" Phase 3.

You would show respect for the words "soon" and "definate maybe"

The updates WILL be released, after they've been tested, tested, and retested

It serves no constructive purpose to complain, for we are but a captive audience. :wavey:
Lol......we know you had to be smiling when you typed that in.

It may have been a legitimate concern. Hadn't heard from you in 96 hours and was justifiably worried that perhaps you'd died from lack of sleep.


Cheers Mate,


Lol Parky yeah far from serious.....

But thanks yep still alive!
Awake? Not so sure!!

I guess I've been lucky..........

After finally getting the $$$ to order BHaH, I ordered on Friday and it was in the box on Monday. It installed without one single problem (that's "0" problems), slicker than crap through a goose. Being a member here at SOH for a year and a half and flying Phase 2 for that length of time, I pretty much knew what to expect as far as system requirements go. I had the time to build a system that I knew would run BHaH, and run it, it does! I get 35-50fps even in a hellacious furball.
And the issues, be they glitches in the sim (which are few and far between and will be corrected in a timely manner I'm sure) or someone's machine not being capable of running the sim (the system requirements have been posted for a while) are not a big deal as far as I'm concerned. I just can't understand why folks get so upset. It's a game people. It's not like you're really there and the armorers are putting bent rounds in your ammo belts!
I am not a "fan boy" per se, because I have been known to give constructive criticism, where I think it is needed, but I'm not one to continually complain about little glitches and limitations of the game, especially when the devs have already stated that in some cases there is nothing they can do.
I could go on but I've got to put a water pump on my daughter's jeep. Ya'll have a nice day.

4 yeah shocking ;)

BTW given we all have day jobs too I think we do very well in here much more interaction and information that most of the other dev teams out there?

It's not the question that upsets.. and I do believe I may have said this quite a few times lol.. it's how you ask the question.

Reasonable question, reasonable answer.

Oh and no, no praise is required to ask a reasonable question.
I will repeat what I said in a previous post....This is a public forum, anyone can read what is posted here. If we are really concerned about the long-term life cycle of BH&H, attracting new clients/members is essential. Any complaining or bitching and moaning about the product or shipping, or the OBD staff, needs to be done via PM channels. We have waited a long time for P3, and the OBD guys worked their a**'s off on it. Let's try to create an environment where it has 1/2 a chance to survive without us torpedoing the project. :crybaby:
I will repeat what I said in a previous post....This is a public forum, anyone can read what is posted here. If we are really concerned about the long-term life cycle of BH&H, attracting new clients/members is essential. Any complaining or bitching and moaning about the product or shipping, or the OBD staff, needs to be done via PM channels. We have waited a long time for P3, and the OBD guys worked their a**'s off on it. Let's try to create an environment where it has 1/2 a chance to survive without us torpedoing the project. :crybaby:

Torpedo the product? Are you serious? At least 80% of the posts on here are raving about what a masterpiece it is, and rightfully so.

If you think some bloke is going to pass up on a shag with Natalie Portman because a few chaps say she's got dodgy nail-varnish and a pair of Woolworth's sunglasses you're a mentalist. ;)
I think we are OK on the testing at the moment GaryR -thanks for the offer :)
4 yeah shocking ;)

BTW given we all have day jobs too I think we do very well in here much more interaction and information that most of the other dev teams out there?

It's not the question that upsets.. and I do believe I may have said this quite a few times lol.. it's how you ask the question.

Reasonable question, reasonable answer.

Oh and no, no praise is required to ask a reasonable question.

Understanding you (the developers) aren't relying solely on the sales of OFF 3 for income, as a newcomer to the series were the first two iterations freeware offerings?