found this patch ... fpr firepower p51ona .... if one has it
Made for the Firepower P-51 "Mustang" requires to have the Shockwave's "Aircraft Powerpack" (Firepower 1.08) with the added bonus Firepower P-51 installed to play on "Deadmeat's Server" with the Modified AIR fix as well. Modified AIR tweaks the stall issue on both stock and Firepower P-51D. Modified AIR also added the necessary brakes which the original Firepower version lacks. Please read the TEXT included for installation tips.
Made for the Firepower P-51 "Mustang" requires to have the Shockwave's "Aircraft Powerpack" (Firepower 1.08) with the added bonus Firepower P-51 installed to play on "Deadmeat's Server" with the Modified AIR fix as well. Modified AIR tweaks the stall issue on both stock and Firepower P-51D. Modified AIR also added the necessary brakes which the original Firepower version lacks. Please read the TEXT included for installation tips.