Paul J Dx10 guides

Hey Richard! Good to see you man! I guess a "Welcome" is in order, too!

We need your specs again, though, Richard.. was your cfg originally done Sept 22, 2013, by Bojote? I have one entitled "Rich_fsx_chgd.cfg", dated Sept 26 2013 worked on by me - could that be yours? It has a Titan for GPU.



Hi Paul,

I updated my signature with my PC specs. Not it wasn't my config you are talking about. I will try adding as an attachment


(Jet, Jet, Jet - ya gotta keep this "quiet" - low key... - you'll get your cheque in the email - I promise..) :cool:

Folks - if you don't know - Jet is one of the star pupils and adherants of DX10. We do have a number of real success stories - actually I have a "Word" document with as many entries as I come across, and Jet has been right up there - his enthusiasm is boundless!

Glad to see you here, Jet - and Many Thanks. You da Man! :ernaehrung004:

All the very best,



Thanks Paul. Well when you have been on Flight Simulator since the days of Sub Logic, and dreaming of a day when we would have this quality of realism, ( I dunno 30 years or so?) etc, one gets a little fired up! :untroubled: Mums the word!