Another masterpiece in the making. . .no doubt Matt. You may already be aware of this, but I happened on it because of the livery I decided to do. On this one, the cowl door has to be integrated into the graphics, where on most of the others it's a polished aluminum. I discovered that in order to match it (as shown in the second pic) the art has to be squeezed up a bit so that when it stretches back out in the sim, it looks correct. Even after I got it where I wanted it, it still looks off because the door and the fuselage are not on the same plane. That door is indented some and it makes the graphics look like it isn't lined up correctly. Gave me fits trying to line it up, but it's close enough that I'm happy with it. Just thought I'd post these as a HU for you or anyone else that might try a livery that has graphics in that area.even i'm working on a paintkit for this Beauty.... 'cept mines a bit erm.... worn....still got to add rivets, stenciling and a mass of other bits before i even move onto the wings