PBR Aircraft Conversion: Boeing B-50

Hi Gordon,

When you say "3D Studio" do you mean 3DS Max?

Video tutorials are welcome but written instructions are also good...

You made a start on this by posting a long reply above... but how about a PDF, or a dedicated webpage somewhere, or a Wiki page (e.g. at FSDeveloper)? The latter two can readily be updated (the change to PBR with P3D5 is an example of the need for this) and the latter can also be edited by others based on new insights and experiences... (conversely reshooting videos is needed each time an update comes along)

Just my 2c/2p

OK, so I had a go at P3Dv5 and it appears that for the time being, the new shaders break my metallic skins. LM said they fixed the night time metalics from rendering black, but in V5 my daytime skins rendered wayyyyyy too dark. I spent a few days trying to resolve the anomally, but it looks like an issue with shaders.

Hi Gordon,
Check this http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php/119280-Another-look-of-PBR-skins-in-v5 , I noticed the same problem. Its confirmed info about issue of shader? Not different option for saved files?
OK...so briefly, I think the P3Dv5 birds will be an entirely different animal...thus a second release. No problem, just a bit more time.
In the meantime...the V4.5 models are essentially ready for the "show".

Here's the pre-flight primer...more coming daily...seeing as we're all sitting home watching oil futures. :biggrin-new:

BTW, answering the above. I'm using 3DS Max 2015 and occasionally Gmax.

And...BTW...everyone should thank Manfred for trusting a lunatic like me with such a magnificent piece of work. I'm good with Pro Bono in this economy. :ernaehrung004:

Enjoy...it's kind of relaxing and pretty. lol
I thank you both for amazing aircraft. Most of my flying is done in aircraft created by great home developers, not because of price, but because of the attention to detail that is put into some of them.
Gman, here are some lights I added to the C-97 if you want to try them out. Looks great at night on the tarmac. First 6 on cabin light sw. then added taxi light sw. last tied in to nav lights. Sorry, I don't know if all of these are default lights or not.

light.9=10, 20.0, -2.5, 4, fx_shockwave_vclight_l // Side Cargo Interior Light
light.10=10, 20.0, 2.5, 4, fx_shockwave_vclight_l // Side Cargo Interior Light
light.11=10, -50.0, 0.0, 6, fx_TRB_dyn_Flood_w_Alcove_down //Rear Cargo Ramp Light
light.12=10, 20.0, -3.3, -3.5, fx_shockwave_vclight_l // Crew Stair Light
light.13=10, 20.0, -3.3, -4.3, fx_shockwave_vclight_l // Crew Stair Light
light.14=10, 20.0, 7, 8, fx_TRB_dyn_Flood_w_Alcove_down // Side Cargo/Stair Light
Light.15 =6, 40, 0.0, 1, fx_c130_landing // Center Taxi Light
light.16 =3, 39.80, 0.0, 3.3, fx_navredpc // Front Nose Light

Can't wait for the updates on these two.


So good to hear you are safe and well!

Manfred’s work was legendary before, now your update has bumped it into the Stratosphere. This is greedy, but would you both have an opportunity to visit his C-47 whilst we are all sequestered? Surely that is one of his most popular releases, you have already done stunning work on it, and Jan-Kees already started the process. Your added details would be a stellar addition mate.

Hope springs eternal :)

Best- Carl
Ok, a bit more digging shows me that the initial PBR conversion was already a joint project involving GM, Maea culpa. I was struck with the Dural look and detail on this conversion, but perhaps that’s from the painter alone? Do forgive my ignorance and if possible comment on the processes between the two? Is there a different PBR technique? For me, this aluminum is more like the metal I remember. Have there been refinements and changes between the two projects?

Again, if these are silly questions, please forgive me. They come from complete ignorance about the conversion process and all the subtleties contained therein.

Best- C
Wow! This project looks amazing, it will go on a rather short list of aircraft I'm really looking forward to.

I decided to make the B-50 and C-97 compatible with P3Dv5, as well as the earlier versions. No point in releasing one model, then releasing a second time. Confusing, so I bit the bullet and dove in to the V5 SDK and learning curve. The tricky bit was the new blue channel as it applies to metallic skins. That aspect is tricky, but I think I nailed it. Best part is the metallic skins are better than earlier PBR rendering in PREPAR3D. There were some issues that needed to be resolved relating to the old polys in Manfreds original model. Primarily rotating cylinders like prop spinners. The new capabilites in the V5 SDK as they relate to texturing animated objects are very subject to corruption when changing textures. It breaks how the light engine renders light. I got it sorted out and the model now works perfectly in V5, and of course earlier versions.

I put together a very brief "beauty" video of the B-50 to bring everyone up to date. There will be a C-97 video shortly.

I have one or two items to sort out on both models relating to mouse activated items such as starting engines via clicking on a spinner. I'll have those sorted out in a few days, then we are looking at releasing the models after Manfred gives them a flight worthy cert.

Enjoy the video, these models absolutely rock in P3Dv5.

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OMG, I can't believe that video is of a simulator. It it is unreal. Looking amazing, Gman.:encouragement:

Looking forward to taking these beauties for a spin. Can I, can i, may I :redfire::redfire: