PBR - Needs to be on our Top Wish list to LM for v5

What I am most interested in is one thing.

Whether it is Quixel or Substance Painter, I will be happy if LM creates an architecture that will allow the simple application of materials created using PBR based rendering, directly into the modeling process. It would be great to have a straight pipeline from PBR directly to the sim.

At the moment, the process is a bit like alchemy, and quite frankly a PITA. :dizzy:
"Akin" means "of similar character", so not really "the thing", but something similar, which could more or less be anything......

But Bill continues that for developers (the ones with access to the source model) there are already quite powerful tools like " https://www.allegorithmic.com/products/substance-painter ".


I would not say there are many similarities between P3D dynamic lightning and PBR. That is why I find "akin" strange in this context.
A little update for PBR interested folks.

Well, I've finally had the chance to look over the paint kit...which I was unaware of previously! Sorry, a total noobie here in DCS realm...My apologies to Reflected for that...but since then I've been messing with the kit to come to some kind of "base metal"...just to come to grips with how the textures all interact...getting there....here's my 5th attempt....lol....getting better...I could go with this for now, until I get a more fluid understanding about how this new PBR system works. I setup the Spec Paint file with Discreet shading per channel so that I can perform non destructive tests....I really need getting used to it, but man, once it's setup, seems like it's a great way to go. I like this work flow, compared to P3D....I do find a few things annoying but on the whole it's not too bad switching back and forth.



Hey, that's the way to go, Rick. That is gorgeous.

I just finished my work on the last weapon item for the A-26K. The painful part is that I have to convert the pbr textures to something that resembles this look in FSX/P3D, well knowing that some of the glamour will be lost. At least I have not managed to translate them to the same look yet.

