PBY Paints


All the paints have been visible to me on the New files list since early this morning - many hours before the posts mentioning waiting for them to show up. And none of them has any hits. I just tried to download one of them and it came down normally. I wonder what's up with that? Can anyone else see them on the new files list?


I will check out those prop textures and see if anything else looks different. I suspect that making the model reflective had an influence on some property that makes the prop look like that. I made the model reflective with Shine, which won't run in Windows 7. I have to use it in Virtual XP, then move the product back into W7. Virtual XP isn't what it's cracked up to be, and this wouldn't be the first time a program I ran in it turned out a product that was somehow not quite right. On the other hand, I made some glossy PBY models in the same way, and they work just as they're supposed to.
Mick, it's been my experience that the uploader is always able to see his/her uploads immediately. Everyone else has to wait on the librarian!

BTW, I just checked and they aren't there yet but they will be eventually, especially if you can see them.
Mick, it's been my experience that the uploader is always able to see his/her uploads immediately. Everyone else has to wait on the librarian!

BTW, I just checked and they aren't there yet but they will be eventually, especially if you can see them.

Ah! Now that you remind me, I think I read about that some time ago.

Thanks for jiggling my memory.
One More

It was too obvious, and too easy, not to do it.

I just put up a version of Miss Pickup that works on a model in standard military configuration. It's the plane from the 5th Emergency Rescue Squadron, 8th USAAF, that the Plane Sailing Catalina is painted to represent.

It looks just like the warbird except that it has guns and the waist blisters have frames, for those who prefer their babes in arms.

I copied the images from the warbird texture files into the corresponding textures of a military PBY paint, adjusted sizes and aspect ratio as necessary, and now we have the original Miss Pickup as well as her modern imitator.

View attachment 8991
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Mick, it's been my experience that the uploader is always able to see his/her uploads immediately. Everyone else has to wait on the librarian!

BTW, I just checked and they aren't there yet but they will be eventually, especially if you can see them.

Since our librarian is a schoolteacher, perhaps he was out partying too hard last night after school was out for the summer and is nursing a hangover today !!

Just a possibility ......

What a glorious pride of 'Cats', Mick. :applause:

You've added a beautiful touch to Alpha's classic old bird - breath of fresh air!

Since our librarian is a schoolteacher, perhaps he was out partying too hard last night after school was out for the summer and is nursing a hangover today !!

Just a possibility ......


Nope...home sick with one hell of a flu bug since Tuesday night. :toilet_claw:
Oops !!!

My apologies to those who've downloaded my pre-WW2 Coast Guard paint. I just found a major glitch in two of the textures. You can see it on the bottoms of the stabilizers.

I just uploaded a corrected version of the paint. All you have to do is replace the old texture folder with the new one.

Sorry for the inconvenience. I really thought I'd checked over ever paint from every angle.
Coast guard 50's paint


I D/L'ed the 50's Coast Guard paint. Extracted it and installed. It came up blank. Checked the texture folder and it's missing the aircraft textures (PBY_USABLACK......). Can you load a correction with them?


I D/L'ed the 50's Coast Guard paint. Extracted it and installed. It came up blank. Checked the texture folder and it's missing the aircraft textures (PBY_USABLACK......). Can you load a correction with them?


OK, done. It's up, but it will be a little while before it's on the New Files list and available for download.

My apologies to all who downloaded the original file!

Several dozen people downloaded the paint, but I guess you're the first one who actually looked at it in the sim. Or at least you're the first one interested enough to mention it.

I hope I didn't do that with any of the other paints. I hope someone will let me know if I did, because I'm too pressed for time today to download all of them and check them out one by one. Replacing one after being tipped off was quick and easy, but checking them all out right now would be a bit of a project.

Along with adding the missing files, I edited the text file to mention the pros and cons of using either the stock model=4 or the included, modified, reflective model=4R. I made the reflective model to give the plane that slight metallic sheen characteristic of aluminized silver paint, but I don't like what that model does to the spinning props, and I can't figure a way to fix that. I went back to the stock model, but I've included the reflective one in the zip file so each user can decide for themselves.
Reflective model


thanks for the paints, but that's not why I'm here. If you switch to the VC of the reflective model the gauge 'plane' is a mirror. The same issue as the spinning props.

BRB (be right back, but that's how the kids say it these days!!)


PS. Try the VC in the rain, psychedelic man!!
Thank you for your work Mick.I'm really enjoying N427CV a lot!:applause:


I'm glad you're enjoying it! I wondered if anyone would be interested in that one. I know nothing about the plane. There are loads of photos of it on the web, but I couldn't find a word about the plane itself, who owns or owned it, where it is or was based, how old the photos are or whether the plane is still painted like that now. Same with the warbird in the Coast Guard Albatross costume - plenty of photos on the web but no information about the plane.

With all the great color and marking schemes that have been recorded, I've often wondered why some warbird owners choose to paint their planes in fanciful liveries. Whatever floats your flying boat, I guess.

I'm a bit of a buff for historical authenticity and if I had a real warbird it would wear an authentic paint job. But I don't mind modeling fanciful schemes that I see on real planes. The livery might be bogus on the real plane, but the model is an authentic reproduction of the warbird.
Here's a stopgap model, prop and VC plane fixed, still working on the rain effects.

View attachment 9217


Wow! How did you do that? :jump:

This is more of a blessing than you know. In the course of today's fiddling I saw that using my tetxures with the stock model makes them slightly translucent because they have an alpha channel. I would've felt compelled to make a set with plain white alpha channels for those (including myself) who decided not to use the reflective model.
Instead I'll just wait for you to finish your work and your moded model will let us all have it both ways. :ernaehrung004:
Hey Mick,

Short answer is Hex editing, long answer is a little more complex. Rain effects are casing me headaches, but still trying, getting late, maybe try again tomorrow. Have never noticed the rain effects problem til now, just so happens when testing real word weather had rain, lol.

Whatever I end up with, please feel free to include in your files.

Hey Mick,

...Whatever I end up with, please feel free to include in your files.

Thank you sir! :ernaehrung004:

I guess it would be best to put the new model in the whole package and release it that way, as the Doubly-Fixed version, or maybe the Enhanced version. Then Rami can delete the faulty versions from the library.

No rush. I'll continue to watch this space.
OK, done. It's up, but it will be a little while before it's on the New Files list and available for download.

My apologies to all who downloaded the original file!

Several dozen people downloaded the paint, but I guess you're the first one who actually looked at it in the sim. Or at least you're the first one interested enough to mention it.

I hope I didn't do that with any of the other paints. I hope someone will let me know if I did, because I'm too pressed for time today to download all of them and check them out one by one. Replacing one after being tipped off was quick and easy, but checking them all out right now would be a bit of a project.

Along with adding the missing files, I edited the text file to mention the pros and cons of using either the stock model=4 or the included, modified, reflective model=4R. I made the reflective model to give the plane that slight metallic sheen characteristic of aluminized silver paint, but I don't like what that model does to the spinning props, and I can't figure a way to fix that. I went back to the stock model, but I've included the reflective one in the zip file so each user can decide for themselves.

Thanks Mick! I think that was the only one I had issue with. I downloaded all of them except the new Coast Guard paint (not realistic to me).

I'm glad you're enjoying it! I wondered if anyone would be interested in that one. I know nothing about the plane. There are loads of photos of it on the web, but I couldn't find a word about the plane itself, who owns or owned it, where it is or was based, how old the photos are or whether the plane is still painted like that now. Same with the warbird in the Coast Guard Albatross costume - plenty of photos on the web but no information about the plane.

The owner of the real bird is Jim Slattery of San Diego,CA.He also owns some other vintage aircraft including a B-23 Dragon once owned by Howard Hughes.
Thanks again for you fantastic work!:encouragement: