Percival Provost T1 Available


I downloaded the single engine Leonides zip file from the site and it unzipped without any trouble. It was the second Leonides sound file down when I did a search for "Leonides" on the Britsim site.

The first one is also by Gary Jones, Flieger. it was done for Rob Richardsons' Twin Pioneer - but also sounds great with the Pembroke and even the Concordia. The Single file is a superb addition to the Provost, Mike Stones Single Pin, and even Aerosofts Beaver (yes Virginia), the Army Air Corp flew Beavers with Leonides rather than P&W 985s.

So Navtech if NO one has answered your plea then I can post you a link to the file,

Thats because I didn't map it separately for left or right - I was lazy using just the black area at the top of the fuselage bitmap & it was a mirror set up so just the left hand side was mapped. Sorry!

I got around that by lowering the decals so they fall under the rivets that run along the fuselage just below the canopy frame line. Not where they should be, but it fits well, reads correctly and I like it, lol. Thanks Keith.:salute:
falcon409, well done with your HD paint scheme, I need some lessons please, although for my preference your rivets are a bit too much (I know they are a feature of the Provost) & it seems a bit too shiny for the period, modern finishes though are very glossy.

As for the Instrument clarity in the VC I've just done an experiment or two & have had success by doing your suggestion of splitting the instrument panel in two within Gmax & am now in the process of redoing the panel.cfg file.
Thanks for the lead & I can now remember that for future a/c.
Please check your p.m.s
falcon409, well done with your HD paint scheme, I need some lessons please, although for my preference your rivets are a bit too much (I know they are a feature of the Provost) & it seems a bit too shiny for the period, modern finishes though are very glossy. . . . . . .
Yea, I agree as well with the rivets, they are a bit overstated, lol. Sometimes I can get them to look exactly like I want and other times the shadow and highlight thing just doesn't come off like I'd want it to. The shine is easily fixed by just backing off my alpha and I'll do that this morning. Thanks for the suggestions.:salute:
I got around that by lowering the decals so they fall under the rivets that run along the fuselage just below the canopy frame line. Not where they should be, but it fits well, reads correctly and I like it, lol. Thanks Keith.:salute:

Hi Falcon,

Love what you did with the paint brushes, :jump: :jump: any chance you'd share it please.



PS : Keith , a BIG thanks to you for this wonderful creation. :applause: :applause:

Thank you but ... :)

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Seem's I was not enough quick on it .. LOL
Can you repost at
There it will be no problems .....
I have uploaded an update to my Provost over at now at V2.0 - it corrects the mapping of camo textures when viewed from the VC, enables the removal of the RH pilot in exterior & VC views & has higher definition gauges in the VC. The Provost Notes have been updated & corrected. Hope you enjoy.
Looks great. I had no complaints with the previous version....but the virtual cockpit gauges in v2.0 are so much clearer now. Great work and many thanks!
Peter Watkins has been a busy boy, and posted a lot more repaints for the Provost, both RAF & overseas - I can't choose a favourite, but it has to be either the Omani or the Sudanses ones.