Plane Design Spitfire problem

OK, next step; when you get your "FS9 has encountered a problem and needs to close" message, are you getting the option to display more detail - specifically are you getting any kind of error report, or does it ask if you want to report the fault to Microsoft? This may give some indication of what is causing the problem.

I'm still of the opinion that the problem is not the PD Spitfire, but something else you have installed; what we need to do is try to identify what that mysterious "something else" is!! :running:
Regarding FSUIPC, I have the paid version, and my reading of Pete Dowson's manual is that you should only ever have ONE entity of fsuipc.dll on your system - it is OK to keep a backup in zip form, but not as a dll, even in a folder outside FS called SafeStore, which is what I use for keeping stuff like that.
That's the Voice of Experience you are hearing.:redf:

MikeW should only ever have ONE entity of fsuipc.dll on your system - it is OK to keep a backup in zip form, but not as a dll, even in a folder outside FS ...
Finding at least 14 instances of this on my C:\ drive, this is disturbing news.
What's it do with multiple copies??

Deviating slightly, I came across a WIP


which when printed across an A3 page is decipherable, and may be the only way to start this aircraft...
Finding at least 14 instances of this on my C:\ drive, this is disturbing news.
What's it do with multiple copies??...

Sort of trips over its own feet, I think because it can update the wrong ini file, something like that. I would make sure the latest one was in FS\Modules, then gather the others and zip them into an archive, or Move (not Copy) them to a stick or SD card.
Then review the settings on the one in FS\Modules, and update as required.
Hope this helps
Hi Mark,

I do recall that certain systems had problems with this. Try remming out the gauge from the [Vcockpit01] section of the panel.cfg file and see if it solves the problem.

I took out the offending gauge...Bingo! The PD spitfire loads perfectly in FS!

Thanks Andy and Alastair for your suggestions and help!
Wish you I think about it, I couldn't get the bombs to release at one point. A re-install fixed it - wonder if it's a related issue?

As suggested above, remove the reference to the droptank gauge in the VCockpit section of your panel(s), as below:


gauge00=spitfire!wingtipvorticies, 0,0,358,225
gauge01=spitfire!sounds, 0,0,358,225
//gauge02=PDSpit16_DropTank!psw0, 0,130,29,38.........<------- note change
gauge03=spitfire!eng_popsound, 0,0,358,225
gauge04=spitfire!superchargergear, 0,0,358,225
gauge05=spitfire!knots, 0,0,358,225
gauge06=jwb_xs_temp!watertemp, 1002,760,44,12

Hope this helps,
