Planes I'd like to see in FS2004

Oh heck yes Mick, it was there as: GWTAR. Must have looked past it 20 times. Seems so obvious now.
Hands down the Flycatcher!
The ancient Chris Herring(?) version is still in my GW3 variation but a new one would be great.
And so colorful.


Hands down the Flycatcher!
The ancient Chris Herring(?) version is still in my GW3 variation but a new one would be great.
And so colorful.

This is the (originally) FS2002 model by Frank Elton. Its still looks very nice after all these years. Frank Elton made several models which I would love to see redone for FS2004.

Any of the Early B-17's

I'll chime in here and say, I'd dearly love to see a set of the early models -- beginning with the Model 299 through the F model.
Couple more

Here are a couple more that I can't believe slipped my mind when I posted earlier:

Douglas Dolphin. Widely used in the civilian sphere, also by the U.S. Navy and the Army Air Corps. I believe all Dolphins were externally the same, so a single model could wear a varriety of skins.

Loening "Shoehorn" amphibians. Also used in civilian service as well as by the U.S. Army and Navy, but in a wide variety of variants with both in-line and radial engines, different tail assemblies and other differences. It would require a set of models to fully cover the type, but even just one of them would be great to have.
An idea for me, sorry if I mentioned one other time... but I wish for the breguet 941 for fs2004. I wonder if Erwin Welker could make it.
At one point I remember a CAC CA-15 Kangaroo for FS9, I had (have) one at some point, can't remember who did the model but it was a real hot rod in the sim. I shined it up a bit and put a spiffy new Rolls Royce Griffon 61 Engine sound set in her. A joy to fly but by todays standards.... a bit dated. Often called "The Aussie version of the P-51 Mustang" as the two looked very much alike.

Search CA-15 over at Flightsim. I thought I'd downloaded it at some time, this one was put up by Scrub ten years ago.
Yeah that's the one... Scrubby updated the original model by Nick McColl with gun sounds.... but I had the original plane for a long time. May have been a CFS2 version also.

Hallo every body, every body hello,

as the title says the planes I would like to see - - -
some french and german planes in the quality as Milton with his team or Nigel does.
The french and german aeronautic history is full of planes that might be interesting.
Srubby began to work on a He 111 with Merlin engines. But after he sended me sme prototype , the projekt has fallen to forget.
Ther where some probs as example that the cockpit of the spanish version was quiet differend than of the german versions.
But there a lot of other interesting models in the history - but none existing in Miltons and Nigels quality for FS2004 - I'm really sorry about.
I know that docs are a bit more difficult to obtain as here those who sit on the interesting docs are not as "sporty" as the anglo-americans - sad isn't it?