Please Help The Engines on The SM81 Will Not Start

casey jones

Charter Member
I have my Savoia Marchetti SM.81 "Pipistrello which is built by Mr. Stefano Meneghini
and can be found in the 2004 military Props section here. When I try to start the engines
they will start for about 20 seconds and then they will shut down. I have tried going though
the instrument panel start up procedure to start the three engines but I don't know what
else to do. I have the SM73 Italion transport which is basicly the same airplane but with
no turrets, it starts up and flys just fine.

Thanks For Enter Help

Did you switch the battery on? (As that switch is located on a separate panel).

I always load up the default flight and cycle through the screens...why? I don't know, but i think I read somewhere that it sets everything up for whatever else you want to load up after. This leads me neatly to the 2D panel of the C172 as the default.
On the left of the panel at the bottom are 2 red toggle switches and both need to be on; then the throttle needs to be pushed forward a bit--say 10% ( and the %age can be read in the VC). After this I generally change aircraft and the one I load will usually be working.....however Manfred Jahn's Connies will need fuel tanks open as well, but that's another story.

I always load up the default flight and cycle through the screens...why? I don't know, but i think I read somewhere that it sets everything up for whatever else you want to load up after. This leads me neatly to the 2D panel of the C172 as the default.
On the left of the panel at the bottom are 2 red toggle switches and both need to be on; then the throttle needs to be pushed forward a bit--say 10% ( and the %age can be read in the VC). After this I generally change aircraft and the one I load will usually be working.....however Manfred Jahn's Connies will need fuel tanks open as well, but that's another story.


Totally unnecessary if you have your default flight set up properly, all new flights will have the aircraft in that situation. I never use my default flight. It's only purpose, for me, is the set up of a cold and dark scenario for all of my aircraft.

By the way, I tried the SM.81 in the normal FS2004 mode in my Sim. All engines started and ran fine.
Totally unnecessary if you have your default flight set up properly, all new flights will have the aircraft in that situation. I never use my default flight. It's only purpose, for me, is the set up of a cold and dark scenario for all of my aircraft.

Totally unnecessary? That rankles!
That's what the OP was asking, so, instead of wasting your time telling me what's what, and what I'm doing wrong, tell him how to do it right. If you feel so concerned you should have come in at the start of the thread and offered some sensible advice to the guy.

Totally unnecessary? That rankles!
That's what the OP was asking, so, instead of wasting your time telling me what's what, and what I'm doing wrong, tell him how to do it right. If you feel so concerned you should have come in at the start of the thread and offered some sensible advice to the guy.


Op said nothing about using default flight and sifting through different screens to get his engines started. The OP has been given sufficient advice about keeping his engines running without having to go through unnecessary gyrations.

I agree with Hurricane91 about the mixture. If he is at sea level or slightly higher, then his mixture may be too lean (not enough fuel flow) or if he is at a high altitude airport, then his mixture may be too rich. Both of these conditions cause the engines to stall after a few seconds of running.
Euhhmm, obviously I didn't read the question very carefully. Are you sure you have fuel?

Thank You All Who Helped Me Through This with The SM81 PX

My thanks to you all, what would I do without you! I did as advised on mixture settings also I
learned from your imput, the SM81 and the SM73 are backwards to our airplanes, I had to
think Italion throttles cracked, to the mixture I think half way or more, then to the three
starter swtchers I pushed on the middle switch but I did by chance I kept clicking on
the middle engine switch then it began to turn over slowly the propeller fired into life and
then the port and starboard roared into life, then I said a silent thanks to you all as I
taxied onto the runway at Java. I salute you all.
