Polish airmen in WW1 ?

Hey djwaglik,

Do you have a better color profile of Adam Haber-Wlynski plane?

Could it be an Albatros...

Hi, WomenFly2
The Albatros is a great find. As I promised to design a skin for you: could it be an Albatros instead of a D VII ? I've started working on a Fokker, but that plane is just looking like a cardboard box - great fighter to fly, but ugly, I find.
For a woman with style, I'd much prefer to do an Albatros - what d'you say?

And what about the violin - do you still want it, or rather a cat ?

To all: thanks again for all your contributions; didn't expect this to become such an interesting thread. Nice community here!
Hi, WomenFly2
The Albatros is a great find. As I promised to design a skin for you: could it be an Albatros instead of a D VII ? I've started working on a Fokker, but that plane is just looking like a cardboard box - great fighter to fly, but ugly, I find.
For a woman with style, I'd much prefer to do an Albatros - what d'you say?

And what about the violin - do you still want it, or rather a cat ?

To all: thanks again for all your contributions; didn't expect this to become such an interesting thread. Nice community here!

djwaglik found the link to this one.

The Albatros sounds good, much more class! How about the violin in place of the cat in the same artistic style, and can you move the couch over to that wall .... no, second thought, I don't like it there, can you move it back. ...... LOL.

New skin test flight

Hello, WomenFly2

Got a first design ready and made a testflight - colour didn't fall off. This Albatros DIII is in Deep Burgundy and Black, with Lozenge Pink and White angle. Although I made the personal sign pretty large, it's still difficult to read your motto. Maybe, when Ph3 is out, I'll do a better one.
When you like the placement of the sofa, I can send you the "dds"-file. But now, I need some sleep first. Good night.

PS: more pics see thread "Showing some skin"
PPS: off course, it is not historicly correct, that a plane with Polish sign should down a British... ahem, ahr...must have chosen wrong opponents by habbit..
Hi, Polecat
This is stunning, as I had really looked for a Holbein drawing of Death, playing violin with a leg bone, but couldn't finf it! Can I use this one?
It's morbid, but great on a warplane - can you send me a link?

Hey, WomenFly2
What do you think of this one instead of what I had done?

Cheers; Olham
Thats awesome Polecat! Go for it Olham! How about the natural wood for the fuselage to, Ahhhh .... while your at it. LOL!

Thanks guy's, :wavey:

I very much like yours too.
The link is up there from one of the pages Lukasz(DJWaglik) posted earlier. Its right next to the colon after violin. I was wondering if it was going to be hard to spot.


POLECAT: "...right next to the colon after violin. I was wondering if it was going to be hard to spot."

Olham, the Bordeauxred Baron: "God... my eyes! Maybe that's, why my wingmen always get lost, whilst my claims rise?... No, that can't be...! ...??"
Is the sofa better in this corner ?

Hi, WomenFly2

A second skin, for an Albatros DVa this is. I've sent you both skins per E-mail;
hope they arrived.
The "Death/Violin"-Logo is surely good; thanks again, POLECAT.
I may use it on my planes, too.

Have fun flying it. Cheers; Olham
What can I say .....

That is so awesome!!!! I did get both skins, thank you.
Its so great that you have posted all your fantastic art work here to share with everyone. I/we hope you will continue to do so for all to enjoy and fly.:applause:

Hey Olham, youve got to post that baby in Showing Some Skin! That ones great. I really love your work with the weathering!

Prost :ernae:
Thank you, Rooster; I will make some more pics tomorrow and put them, where you said. But the wheathering is the original artwork as done by OvS, Arto, Pol and others; I can select and alter areas by using PHOTOSHOP in a professional way. So, I can give the natural plywood of the Alb a colour, without just overpainting the wood structure and wheathering.
There's also a white Albatros; so, when you can select the white area with the program, you use, you can perhaps alter the colour. Or you just select or frame a vertical stripe to be done in another tone.
It's learning by doing - see, what you can get; and have fun!
I don't know, if I have overlooked this link being posted already by someone? If not, this may be interesting for all searching for Polish planes and markings. The site is about CD's with lots of colours and markings of all war parties. Since the artist wants to sell those, he shows only the Polish section, as an example of what you get. You can click on the planes to get a larger image.
Have fun; Olham
