Pond Racer FDE


Staff member
I thought I'd start a new thread for this. Not that there's a whole lot to post right now, but at least if the folks working it have anything to share, it won't get lost in the original thread.:salute:
Just spoken to Pam Brooker (IRIS' FDE Expert), she's got a fair bit on her plate, but she likes the bird... could be fun...
Yep, same here. It flies great to me (what do I know, lol), but anything that comes out of this project will just make a terrific design that much better.:salute:
anyone got dimensions of it and a 3-view? i could do with them to Crunch the numbers and get the FDE started...
I don't believe this, lol. hey Blake, the info for the gear doors is on one of the drawings from warbirdaeropress.com, lol. I just noticed it as I was looking over the prints. Do you have original of those?
without purchasing them from the company, this is the only size I could find while researching photos.
I don't know if I should post anything or not any more... I have a nasty knack for killing threads:pop4:. I haven't been working on this plane, (except for the differential braking scale, I thought the braking needed some adjustment) Added the Epic LT prop blur and that's about it.

But I'll be more than happy to keep bumping :bump: and looking forward to your "Lil' Devil" repaint, Falcon.

Keep up the good work...:ernae:

I've been doing a bit of fiddling .....

In the aircraft cfg to reduce the super sensitive pitch I altered the elevator effectiveness to 0.6000 ......

elevator_effectiveness =0.6000 //1.00000

Added this to the [brakes] .....

To make it easier to turn on the ground I altered the first line ....

point.0= 1, -16.250, 0.000, -1.500, 1600, 0, 0.200, 45.000, 0.500, 3.360, 0.850, 0.000, 0.000, 0, 152.1, 179.9

In the panel cfg the Attitude Indicator was missing out of the 2D panel ....

gauge24=extra-300.attitude, 450,639,135,135
//gauge24=Pond_Racer_extra-300.attitude, 450,639,135,135

And the Throttle Quadrant didn't show with the icon so I changed the ident ....

window_size= 0.360, 0.730
window_pos= 0.010, 0.400

gauge00=Beech_Baron!Engine Controls Unit, 1,46,215,337

Hope this helps.

I love flying this racer :jump::jump:

Pete, glad you posted that. I was needing to agjust steering while taxiing I was just working on the aircraft cfg myself before reading your post and tuned the elevator effectiveness to 0.25000 and was very happy with results. I had tried 0.50000 but seem still a little too sensitive to me as it still was easy to tail tuck when pulling too abrupt up elevator.

Using 0.25000 seems like it could be bumped up possibly to maybe 0.30000 to give a touch of homebuilt sensitivness that a lot of homebuilts usually have.

Going to try out your setting for steering. Thanks!

This is a good plane to have and observe in flybys. Especially love the VC looking little left while skimming the terrain....Reno Racing style at 450mph. Also took this experimental to 34,500 ft., the ceiling whatever pressure I was flying in. Off to try your steering settings!
Oh yeah:ernae:

This one of those keepers!

I tried 0.30000 and went back to 0.25000. Liked it better.

This plane has to be flown with particular attention to trimming as you traverse the airspeed envelope, and trimming up for final. From 400 mph wide open I chop the throttle and try to maintain altitude to let the speed bleed off to about 160 mph then pop the gear, then let it bleed down to about 140 and pop one notch of flaps. By this time I'm on long final. Trimming to hold altitude all the time as speed bleeds on down to about 120. Have to carry some power to keep from sinking and stay at about 120 on close final. Across the numbers chop the throttle and normal flare to touch on mains for roll out. Excellent little racer as you say Pete.

On takeoff the trim is set pretty well nose down and I forget to crank in up trim before takeoff. Be nice if it would have a trim position indicator to tell where to trim it for takeoff.

Have to pay attention a lot to trim vs speed on this little experimental. Nice plane.

I put that reflections T texture into the panel folder so it doesn't read it and give reflections but the glass is still hazy. Clearer glass canopy with reflections would probably look real nice from VC cocpit view.
I've tried playing with the VC Glass in FSX and got it almost transparent, but there is still a hint of haze when looking out from the inside.:salute:
I wonder if it could be as simple as copying a glass texture from another known model that has clear glass and then rename the new file and put it into the texture folder would result in clear plexiglass. Then maybe add back the reflections, or, leave them out, whichever.

Seems like I have done that before a while back and it worked.
I wonder if it could be as simple as copying a glass texture from another known model that has clear glass and then rename the new file and put it into the texture folder would result in clear plexiglass. Then maybe add back the reflections, or, leave them out, whichever.

Seems like I have done that before a while back and it worked.
Not a bad idea. . .the prop replacement was done the same way, pull a nice prop from another airplane, rename the bmp and presto, cool lookin' prop blur.