Thank you for hosting!! Great game guys!!:isadizzy:GAME ON! IP: TEAM DOGFIGHT
med dif, 65%, unl ammo but set ur fuel, 10 min games
Fun:costumes:games all welcome"..hotdogs in Frankfurt..."

Thank you for hosting!! Great game guys!!:isadizzy:GAME ON! IP: TEAM DOGFIGHT
med dif, 65%, unl ammo but set ur fuel, 10 min games
Fun:costumes:games all welcome"..hotdogs in Frankfurt..."
95% game on
Thank you for hosting !!!:ernae:95% game on
IP cfs3maximus.game-host.org:angryfir:
wullhey max how you use that ip ? I stupid with puters
IP cfs3maximus.game-host.org:angryfir:
Hey Max how you use that IP ? I stupid with puters
It says my game version is incompatible with the server's. Any idea how to fix that? I believe I have version 3.
RCAF-DC and MAX have asked if I would provide a current picture of myself , shoot me now YA-B's
LOL...I know thats not you One-Eye, you dont have a blue sweater like that!!..RCAF-DC and MAX have asked if I would provide a current picture of myself , shoot me now YA-B's
I HAVE TRIED FOEVER TO GET MY HAIR TO DO THATRCAF-DC and MAX have asked if I would provide a current picture of myself , shoot me now YA-B's
100% game OFF BBL AT 8:00 PM
95% game off thanks all gg
95% game off thanks all gg