~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Post CFS3 IP Games in here!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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No Connecto Trees.

Hi Tree, Where's ya bin. :bump: :jump::wiggle::ernae:

Get that 100% Game going m8. No connecto on this one. :kilroy:

Bill T.


Ha ha ha !!!! Fre (below) he rarely goes into print, thats the high regard he holds your games productions------------------get that game on-Line, therwise you will be considered A Broccoli, not a tree. lol
maybe theirs some sheep that want to
be put out of their misery.
come out from hiding!!
baaaaa baaaaaaaa baaaaaaaaaaaa
Game --ON.

:bump: :medals:

Game -NOW---"OFF". 90% -er Game ( for trees if he shows up--lol )

IP:-- xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Limited everything. Should be up for an hour at least.

St.Eval Dog Blast.

Bill T.

A very interesting Game. My thnx. to :- FRE------Lightman---Salt----Pot-Head------Chino-Loco-(Boomerang ) ----Gustooo ---Pilot Error and last but not least, the man himself, put in a full personal appearance:-

12 TREES ( Applause !!!!! ) And Fre is going to get it in the neck (lol ) next time, for shooting Him and everyone down.

These 95% ers are good fun and you can play hide and seek down in the long grass, except I seemed to be down there more than I bargained for--lol. Hurri, you were missed,----- something about log piles .?!!!!

Oops, Lightning getting close---------------Goodbye !!!


GAME off
Try this again....team fight..hehe
TS up
another fine set of games folks.....^5
yellow allies
green axis
game on

LOL dude....barely anyone plays NGNG any more....i dont have it any more....its some where in here but i have to find it....and i dont feel like it....lol

Im out early boys.....goin fishing at 4:30am tommorow....wish me luck!!
Hey Ace

LOL dude....barely anyone plays NGNG any more....i dont have it any more....its some where in here but i have to find it....and i dont feel like it....lol

Im out early boys.....goin fishing at 4:30am tommorow....wish me luck!!

We have a lot of guys here who like to post different types of games ,
If someone posts a type of game that is not to your liking,
Please do all of us here a favor and keep your comments to yourself

Think of it like driving a car (I know you are still too young to drive)
But all the same its a privilege not a right, If you abuse that privilege you
get your license revoked (Taken away from you)

DONT lose your privilege to join posted games because you may find yourself getting banned

Happy 4th ya bastids

Sheep feel free to strip down and line up for Snoop's FREE BBQ,you'll be bathed in a mix of spices and tequila, sheep you will feel younger more vibarant even the really old ones (Ghost and Sanity) then you will be moved to the BBQ whoops I meant sunning room to enjoy the 4th while all your adoring fans salivate, I mean admire you........BURP

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