i m pleased to inform i can host CFS3 online sessions through private ip.
Indeed, from the outrageous stop of gamematch server, my group tried to move to "forgotten battles", but we didn t match the mission experiences we can have with CFS3.
So, I m ready to replay my old missions, bombing, sinking, bursting trains ....
See you soon.

FAFA342WingCo, welcome aboard! Glad you finally found your way here.
You're interested in flying missions? Well, there are plenty of great online missions and mission sessions available.
But, as Tailwind has already stated, to do this really well, you need to check out the CFS3 ETO Expansion add-on stand-alone game.
You only need a clean, unmodified, fully-updated (3.1 and 3.1a) CFS3 install, otherwise known as a vanilla install, to install ETO.
ETO only copies that install into a completely new game folder, and then installs itself into that new folder. When completed, you will have two complete, independent games, CFS3 and CFS3 ETO Expansion.
The ETO Expansion is CFS3 on steroids. Beautiful new airfields, effects, weapons, and well over 200 aircraft for your WWI combat flight simming pleasure.
By all means, check it out:
http://aussiex.org/forum/index.php?app=downloads&showcat=10 (copy this link into your browser before going there).
Here's the official writeup, too:
Good luck.:d