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I've had different ones ask me how I have my screen/computer it is....this is my resolution setting is 1680 x 1050...... my video card is an older RADEON X1300 nothing fancy here guys..... 1GB ram.....P4 3.4 MHz..... I use a MS Force Feedback 2 joystick (they are older and can only buy on ebay) most important buttons assigned on Joystick (only 8 buttons on this Joystick) are Padlock View , Trim up/down, WEP, Next Target & Range, zoom out.
As for the screen I really don't need to have the compass up, as we aren't doing any squadron battles. Too me the most important is the Airspeed and Radar (if/when available)
I have been called a cheater many times but thats only because I hang out with Max, so I guess I'm Guilty only by Association! lol.........Sorry Max but, Wull Ya Gotta! :ernae: