~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Post CFS3 IP Games in here!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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The Ice Box

game on
gonna try a quick one if it works
ts up too
Session ON

Team Combat
Allied : get White strips
Axis : get Red strips

Hardness 80% - 10 kills


I would be away for a time, but session remain open.

Good Fight !
Cannot get into Game Pascale !!

:bump: :kilroy:

Hi Pascale,
Cannot get into your Game, The Game starts loading then sticks. thats all. Try a re-set !

Bill T.
GG and room Pascal.

:bump: :ernae:

Thanks for host Pascal.
GG's but game dumped us after a while.

PE--Schultz--GUS ( ???? )-- One Eye- and Pascal, -----thnx. guys. :applause:

Bill T.
Great Game.....Thanx for hostin!

Session ON

Team Combat
Allied : get White strips
Axis : get Red strips

Hardness 80% - 10 kills

IP xxx.xx.x.xxx

I would be away for a time, but session remain open.

Good Fight !
Great Game! Thank you for Hosting! :medals::pop4::isadizzy::blind: :salute: ......Although game Crashed, I still had fun!
The front

Allies fly inferior allied aircraft
Axis fly superior Aryan crafted machines
Set fuel and ammo
nice afternoon of top notch flyn!
Thanks to Fre, Hurri, winco,1st run, one eye, p.e., von,newbie gus,snoop, and anyone i cannot recall.
The front was looming....
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